ReMA's Positions on State Policy Issues

ReMA's positions on various policy issues are publicly accessible on our Policy and Position Statements page. We have also compiled links to ReMA's Positions on various state policy issues below. Summaries are provided for reference, but please view the full position statements to ensure that no nuances are overlooked.


Environmental Justice - Recyclers are committed to being good neighbors in their communities by operating environmentally responsible and safe recycling facilities and engaging in our communities.

Design for Recycling relies upon a market-based approach to enhance product design and to eliminate or reduce the use of hazardous materials and other materials that impede recycling.

Chemical Recycling - This position addresses when ReMA considers non-mechanical processes to be recycling, and when they are not.

Right to Reuse - Recyclers should have convenient and affordable access to the information and tools that are necessary for safe and responsible repair and the information to safely handle and reuse certain products.

Auxiliary Containers / Packaging

Paper Bags - Promotes a free and fair, competitive, market-based system for the trade of recyclable materials such as paper bags, opposes bans and fees on paper bags, promotes proper recycling, and strongly supports the use of recycled content to the maximum percentage that is mechanically and commercially viable.

Plastic Bags - ReMA opposes bans of plastic bags that are being manufactured into useful commodity grade materials. ReMA supports legislation that mandates the inclusion of recyclable content, exempts reusable plastic film bags with at least 20% recycled content, and that describes the efficient collection of plastic bags. ReMA also encourages retailers to provide convenient in-store collection points.

Minimum Recycled Plastic Content Legislation - Supports legislation that expands the use of recycled plastic in applications that are appropriate, efforts by manufacturers and brand owners to increase the use of recycled plastic resin beyond legislated levels and applications, manufacturers incorporating DfR, stakeholder efforts to increase plastic recycling, and life cycle assessments to help manufacturers make informed choices on the inclusion of recycled plastic resin.

Use of Degradable Additives in Plastic Packaging - Suggests that any claims to the use of terms indicating the plastic is easily degradable be supported by independent research and testing. Such additives can harm plastics recycling when mixed unknowingly with non-degradable plastic.

Extended Producer Responsibility / Product Stewardship

Product Stewardship - To address facilitation of the proper recycling of difficult to recycle items, as a last resort, ReMA supports consideration of policies that are temporary in nature to support markets for recycling of those items until the markets mature. However, such policies should not disrupt the current recycling infrastructure, such as extended producer responsibility programs that either target, include, or disrupt the recycling of materials or products that are being successfully recycled and consumed in existing markets.

For Chapters advocating directly on product stewardship proposals, please contact ReMA for Guidance on Packaging EPR Elements that has been developed to assist our member's advocacy efforts.

Materials Theft

Electronic Reporting - In the event a governing body is contemplating electronic reporting of scrap metal transactions, adequate information protection can only be provided if certain listed criteria are included in the requirements.

Recyclable Materials Theft - In cooperation with appropriate authorities and affected parties, each member of the recycling industry, along with law enforcement and the affected community, should take positive steps to reduce the risk of the unintentional purchase of stolen materials.

State & Local Programs

Flow Control - ReMA strongly opposes government control of materials that have been diverted or removed from the solid waste stream for the purpose of recycling.

One-Bin Collection Policy - ReMA opposes the commingling of recyclable materials with solid waste or mixed waste processing in a one-bin system.

Reporting Recycling Activities - ReMA does not oppose the collection of data by government entities on recycling activities within their jurisdictions, where there are compelling reasons to do so and so long as certain criteria are met.


Accelerated or Bonus Depreciation Tax Allowances - Such allowances should be pursued to encourage the purchase of new and/or innovative equipment to process recyclable materials into higher quality commodity-grade feedstocks for manufacturing.

Tires / Rubber

Artificial Turf and Rubber Infill - ReMA provides education about the positive economic and environmental benefits of rubber recycling, and cautions against prematurely deciding not to use crumb rubber before reviewing and considering the existing scientific evidence.

Tire Design for Recycling - The recycled materials industry seeks an open dialogue and joint working group between recyclers and manufacturers to advance DfR concepts and promote awareness, environmental conservation, and a vibrant and open recycled rubber marketplace.

Use of Rubberized Asphalt in Road Construction - ReMA supports legislation that seeks to expand rubberized asphalt as the preferred material of choice.


Appropriate Regulation, Registration, Permitting, or Licensing of Sellers of Vehicles for Scrap or Parts Only - The recycled materials industry opposes overreaching or duplicative regulations on the sellers of whole vehicles that are sold only for recycling or for parts, if the vehicles are sold to properly licensed, registered, or permitted metal processors or automotive dismantlers.

Have Questions?

Justin Short
Director, Gov't Relations
(202) 662-8508

Abby Blocker
VP of State & Local Government Affairs
(202) 662-8511