Youth Outreach


ReMA in partnership with JASON Learning has launched a recycling education campaign for students in kindergarten through 12th grade.  The campaign includes lesson plans, hands-on activities, and interactive web-based experiences, all focused on the importance of recycling and the scrap industry. 

This partnership presents a unique opportunity to not only spread the recycling message to youth, but also to inspire America’s students to think about careers in the scrap and recycling business, and give them the scientific and technical background that such jobs require. 

Download Recycling Education Materials & Activities  

Learn more about JASON Learning.

Full size glossy classroom posters are also available for purchase in the ReMA Store. 
   The ScrapMap™   The ScrapMap™ II

Community Outreach Kit 

ReMA has developed several tools to assist members with their local outreach. We encourage you to tailor them to fit your needs.

Learn More

Youth Contest

ReMA sponsors an annual video and poster contest for students that features recycling-related themes.

Learn More

Recycling Industry

Scrap recycling is a $117 billion industry in the United States that annually transforms  130 million metric tons of obsolete materials from consumers, businesses, and manufacturers into useful raw materials that are essential to the manufacturing of new products.  The scrap industry’s knowledge and expertise make recycling possible.

Learn More

Have Questions?

Rachel Bookman
Director of Communications
(202) 662-851