Fire Management Resources


ReMA Fire Prevention Plan

Pages from ReMA_Fire-Prevention-Guide_2024_Oct_Digital.pdf

ReMA's fire prevention and management plan was developed by fire science, insurance, and scrap recycling industry professionals. It is meant to be used as a guidance document to help business owners, operators, and EHS professionals better understand and mitigate potential risks before they become bigger problems.

This is a guidance document on how-to prepare a fire prevention plan, fight incipient stage fires, and to be prepared in the event of a crisis management scenario. It is NOT designed to provide a template for such plans. It is up to each facility to prepare plans that fit its business operations. Because each scrap processing facility is different and faces unique issues, each plan must be site- and business-specific. The authors of this plan encourage each site to review its operations based on the guidance this document provides.

The document(s) on this page is not under a scheduled document review process unless noted. No assurances are made or implied in terms of whether it is up to date with current regulations, interpretations, or case law. The document(s) is provided for general informational purposes only.

The Fire Prevention and Management Plan is available to ReMA Members and requires login to access. If you would like a copy, please contact

Fire Safety Guidelines for Tire Processors

ReMA's Tire and Rubber Division developed the Fire Safety Guidelines for Tire Processors to encourage tire recyclers to operate their facilities safely, as safety is one of ReMA's core values. Not every section of this document will apply to every tire recycling facility as each facility is unique in its design, layout, and operation, etc. Readers should review this document in its entirety in order to determine which sections are applicable. The document examines each phase of a typical tire recycling facility and outlines approaches for practices and procedures associated with that particular phase of the recycling process.

The Guidelines were last updated on March 20, 2024, and adopted by the ReMA Board of Directors on April 15, 2024.

Fire Safety Videos

Have Questions?

Stefan De Wilde
Vice President of Safety
(202) 662-8524

Jerry Sjogren

Sr Director of Safety
(202) 662-8519

Ryan Nolte
Director of Safety Outreach
(202) 662-8546

Holly Brownell
Administrative Assistant
(202) 662-8515