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The COVID-19 pandemic requires an assortment of modified procedures and ways of doing business to keep employees, customers and visitors safe. This also provides an opportunity to reinforce existing safety practices, in addition to adapting to new concepts, such as social distancing.
If you already have an Infectious Disease Response Plan, utilize that document to guide you through what needs to be done in your operations to keep everyone safe, updated with the considerations contained within this guidance document. If you do not have such a Plan, document the steps you are taking in accordance with the information contained within this guidance document to provide the basics of such a Plan. As all operations are different and decisions are site specific, ReMA is providing the following checklist of items to consider in your specific operation:
[1] As for the life of the virus on surfaces, this study from NEJM - https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMc2004973 and this one from the NIH - https://www.nih.gov/news-events/news-releases/new-coronavirus-stable-hours-surfaces show that it can be stable for hours and/or days depending on the surface (copper, plastic, stainless, cardboard, etc.).