
OSHA Information

ISRI-Signing1In October of 2015 the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries (ISRI) and the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) announced the formation of an Alliance to promote health and safety in workplaces throughout the recycling industry. Through the Alliance, ReMA will team with OSHA to provide ISRI’s members and others with information, guidance, training, and other resources to protect the health and safety of workers within the scrap recycling industry.

One of the goals of the new Alliance is to promote a culture of safety within the scrap recycling industry that works towards the reduction of workplace-incidents and prevention of worker exposure to hazards. This includes those associated with powered industrial trucks and other machinery, insufficient hazard communication, lead, improper electrical wiring methods, control of hazardous energy, and others. Injury, illness, and hazard exposure data will be used to prioritize areas of emphasis for Alliance activities.

As part of the Alliance, ReMA and OSHA will collaborate on events such as ReMA Safety and Environmental Council (ISEC) meetings, ISRI’s Safety Stand-Down Day, and ISRI’s annual convention to provide compliance assistance for attendees, and promote and distribute OSHA, ISRI, and other available safety resources. Both sides will also include information within current publications regarding cooperative programs in which ReMA members could benefit.

Alliance Activities

  • On December 8, 2020 ReMA resigned their alliance agreement with OSHA for two more years. As part of the efforts to keep you informed of OSHA’s activities, through this link you will find a pdf document that summarizes OSHA’s outreach initiatives for FY 2021. It includes a summary of key national initiatives, a listing of priority industries/topics, and a calendar of key dates related to OSHA requirements and outreach initiatives. Please note that as we get new/updated information about event dates, we will share them with you.

  • OSHA’s most up-to-date COVID-19 resources

  • In conjunction with the OSHA/ReMA Safety Alliance we are providing OSHA technical resources and products that contain critical safety and health information including information from the OSHA Flood Preparedness, Response, and Recovery.

  • Heat Stress is very real and it can arise in many different situations. Forms of heat stress include heat rash, heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke. Being able to recognize and prevent the signs and symptoms of heat stress and knowing how to treat them if they arise will be your first line of defense in making sure that heat related illness does not overtake you or your co-workers. This document offers knowledge and resources so that you may educate yourself and your workforce on this important topic.

Regulatory Update

For Your Information: U.S. Department of Labor Announces Annual Adjustments to OSHA Civil Penalties

The U.S. Department of Labor has announced adjustments to Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) civil penalty amounts based on cost-of-living adjustments for 2021. The final rule is effective January 15, 2021, and the increased penalty levels apply to any penalties assessed after January 15, 2021.

Please visit the press release and the OSHA Penalties page for more information.


OSHA’s Site-Specific Targeting Directive

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is updating its inspection program that directs agency enforcement resources to establishments with the highest rates of injuries and illnesses.

The Site-Specific Targeting (SST) Directive is OSHA’s primary targeting program for non-construction establishments with 20 or more employees. The agency selects establishments based on injury and illness data employers submitted on Form 300A for calendar years 2017-2019.

The new directive replaces Site-Specific Targeting 2016, and includes the following significant changes:

  • The creation of a new targeting category for establishments indicating consistent injury and illness rate increases over the three-year data collection period, and
  • Allows records only inspections to occur when a compliance safety and health officer determines incorrect data led to an establishment’s inclusion in the program. This change ensures OSHA will conduct a full inspection only when the employer has an actual elevated injury and illness experience.

In addition to the SST program, OSHA implements both national and local emphasis programs to target high-risk hazards and industries. Learn more about these emphasis programs.


OSHA Electronic Reporting

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) reminds employers that the agency will begin collecting calendar year 2021 Form 300A data on Jan. 3, 2022. Employers must submit the form electronically by March 2, 2022.

Electronic submissions are required for establishments with 250 or more employees currently required to keep OSHA injury and illness records, and establishments with 20-249 employees classified in specific industries with historically high rates of occupational injuries and illnesses.

Visit the Injury Tracking Application Electronic Submission of Injury and Illness Records to OSHA for more information and a link to the Injury Tracking Application.

2022 Stand-Down Day

On Wednesday, June 15th ReMA members around the recycling industry are encouraged to participate in safety stand downs at their operations. Historically, this day has seen members holding safety meetings, doing safety drills, and discussing important health & safety topics with their team members. Mark your calendars for Wednesday, June 15, 2022, for this year’s recycling industry Safety Stand Down Day.


Fall Regulatory Agenda

As part of our efforts to keep you informed of OSHA’s activities, we wanted to let you know that the U.S. Department of Labor, including OSHA, has published its Fall 2021 Regulatory Agenda. Federal agencies post their regulatory agendas on the website twice a year to provide a snapshot of their rulemaking priorities.

A listing of Department of Labor (including OSHA) rulemaking in the pre-rule, proposed rule, and final rule stages is available here. Rules that are classified as long-term actions are listed here. The Department of Labor’s statement of regulatory priorities is provided here

As part of the ISRI/OSHA Alliance efforts to keep you informed of OSHA’s activities, we have attached a document that summarizes OSHA’s outreach initiatives for FY 2022. It includes a summary of key national initiatives, a listing of priority industries/topics, and a calendar of key dates.

Have Questions?

Stefan De Wilde
Vice President of Safety
(202) 662-8524

Jerry Sjogren

Sr Director of Safety
(202) 662-8519

Holly Brownell
Administrative Assistant
(202) 662-8515