OSHA Resources

This section of the website contains a wide variety of already-prepared training aids and PowerPoint presentations on topics as diverse a ergonomics to fire protection to electrical safety.  Over 20 categories of safety training, ready to go.  Feel free to use them or edit them as you see fit.


Sometimes it’s hard to see the forest through the trees at your own facility, where everything is so familiar.  In this section, you’ll find an array of safety checklists to help you manage the daily demands of your safety program.


Have Questions?

Stefan De Wilde
Vice President of Safety
sdewilde @recycledmaterials.org
(202) 662-8524

Jerry Sjogren

Sr Director of Safety
jsjogren @recycledmaterials.org
(202) 662-8519

Holly Brownell
Administrative Assistant
hbrownell @recycledmaterials.org
(202) 662-8515