Event Details


Copper/Zinc Update

call for comments
Free for ISRI members and non-ISRI members.
Registration is required.

A comprehensive review of current developments in the US domestic and export markets for copper, brass, and zinc.

Dan Marjenberg, Chief Executive Officer, Pan American Zinc

Dan Marjenberg has spent 32 years in commodity trading. After two years in coal and ores and six years in grains, he took over the family non-ferrous metal trading company based in France, specializing in zinc. Later, Marjenberg started Pan American Zinc in Miami, Florida and has since then expanded to other non-ferrous metals. Today, aluminum is the biggest metal in Pan American Zinc’s portfolio, but he remains a well-known figure in the zinc industry.

Radhika Ojha, Senior Editor, Davis Index

Radhika Ojha is senior editor at Davis Index, the only global price reporting agency dedicated to recycled materials covering the global metal and recovered paper markets. With over 22 years of experience in content writing, editing and corporate communications, Ojha heads the global editorial operations at Davis Index and covers the copper, lead, and zinc markets for North America. She graduated from Pune University with a master’s in mass communications and has worked with some of India's leading English dailies as well as engineering and oil and gas companies covering a wide range of topics in finance, business, and internal and external communications strategies.

Richard Goldberg, President, Geomet Recycling

Richard Goldberg started Geomet Recycling in 2017 with his father after spending his early years working with Gold Metal Recyclers in Dallas and Spectrum Metals in Houston, where he learned about the business of recycling, especially non-ferrous metals. Starting with one yard at Farmer’s Branch in the Dallas–Fort Worth metropolitan area, Geomet has expanded over the past five years from five people to around 90 and recently opened a second branch in Garland, Texas. Goldberg also is a member of ISRI’s Gulf Coast Region Board and serves as the region’s liaison to the ReMA Women in Recycling Council.

*The contents of this webinar do not represent the views and beliefs of ReMA or its employees and are the sole property of Davis Index.

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