West Coast Chapter
Legislative Fly-In & Member Meeting
March 25-26, 2025 | Sacramento, CA
Join the West Coast Chapter for legislative meetings. Meet with our legislators to share the importance of the Recycled Materials Industry along with your story - ask them to support our essential businesses.
Interested in joining, but not sure where to start? The West Coast Chapter Officers and Lobbyists will assist with meeting scheduling, provide an overview of what to expect, and talking points. Register to join this dynamic two-day lobbying event.

Tuesday, March 25, 2025
1:30-3:30 Joint Legislative Committee & Board of Directors meeting (WC members only)
3:30-4:30 Chapter Meeting, Officer Elections, & Lobby Day Training
5:00-7:00 Reception with Guest Speaker:
Senator Anna Caballero is the Chair of the powerful Senate Appropriations Committee. She is a moderate Democrat serving her second term representing the 14th Senate district in the Central Valley.
She is an ally to the industry and a voice of reason within the halls of the California State Capitol. Recyclers need a voice and this is an opportunity for Senator Anna Caballero to get to know ReMA West Coast Chapter members, owners, and top management. You are highly encouraged to attend this important meeting!
Wednesday, March 26, 2025
7:30-8:30 Breakfast with special guest speaker (TBA)
9:00-2:00 Meetings with State Senators, Assembly Members and and/or staff
ReMA West Coast has a room block at the Embassy Suites for $255 plus taxes. Book online or call 916.326.5000 and make a reservation under the ReMA West Coast Chapter to secure the discounted rate. Reserve before March 10.