Event Details

in person

Responsible End Markets Webinars

Responsible End Markets provisions have been included in packaging & paper Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) laws in California, Oregon, Colorado and Minnesota. These will introduce audit and compliance requirements on all recyclers and brokers who process these materials throughout the supply chain, not just the MRFs initially receiving them.

Circular Action Alliance (CAA) has been chosen as the Producer Responsibility Organization to implement these requirements in CA, OR and CO. They will be holding a consultation with ReMA members on the proposed plan for verifying the Responsible End Market (REM) requirements in Oregon (see pg. 139-166 in the CAA Oregon program plan) and future states.

We encourage all members who process, broker, transport or consume postconsumer materials, in any volume or location, to register for the consultation and provide feedback on the proposed plan. The Responsible End Markets verification approach for Oregon is likely to influence verification approaches for any similar requirements in current or future states with EPR laws.

Responsible End Markets ReMA Consultation with Circular Action Alliance
Discuss CAA's proposed approach to end-markets to gather feedback as program plans are developed.

Thursday, January 23

1-2:30 PM Eastern/10-11:30 AM Pacific.

Via Zoom

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