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May 28, 2020, 15:59 PM
State specific policies, active legislation and regulations, and other resources may be accessed by selecting the applicable state. For a complete overview of active legislation, select Chapter Legislative Tracking.
The entire states of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and Puerto Rico.
Chapter display title : Southeast Region
Chapter legislative tracking url :
Chapter banner link text : Join the Southeast Region
southeast-main-banner chapter-map_southeast
Chapter Banner Link : Join ReMA
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ReMA Chapters

ReMA Chapters are networks of processers, brokers, consumers, and equipment and service providers. They are a resource for members to grow their businesses through building connections, and advocating on state and local issues. Together, we are ReMA.

  • 1,300 Companies
  • 4,000 Locations
  • 40 Countries

Committed to innovation within our industry at every level ‐ local, national and global.

Chapter Resources

ReMA provides a variety of resources to aid our 18 chapters as they diligently work to advance the industry at local, state, and regional levels.

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State Resources

Members can access the latest state policy information including resources and tracking, state legislative session updates, and more.

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Economic Impact

The U.S. scrap recycling industry is a major economic engine, creating thousands of jobs and generating billions in tax revenue across the country.

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Events & Training

Browse our chapter events calendar for various networking, educational, professional development opportunities, and more.

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