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Short-term Highway Funding Extension Could Set Stage for Fall Consideration of Truck Weight Reform

May 26, 2015, 12:51 PM by SPAN
With the House passage of a two-month extension of highway funding that carries the transportation programs through the end of July with the aim of passing a long term re-authorization bill sometime later this fall.

The goal remains to insert the provisions of the Safe and Efficient Transportation Act (SETA) as an amendment to the long-term highway reauthorization legislation that could be considered this fall by the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee and its Senate counterpart for this bill, the Environment and Public Works Committee.   With focus shifting toward a possible highway bill markup and Committee action on SETA occurring as early as this September, ReMA will be working with our coalition partners to secure those provisions in the respective chambers and enacted into law in late 2015. 

For more information about SETA, please contact Billy Johnson