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ReMA Meets with EPA, CPSC on Crumb Rubber Issue

Jul 21, 2016, 13:26 PM by SPAN
In an attempt to make certain that the study of the health effects of crumb rubber infill in synthetic turf is based on good science and contains appropriate baseline comparisons between such turf and natural grass fields, ISRI’s Government Relations staff assisted the coalition of recycled rubber interests, of which ISRI is a part, with meetings at EPA and the Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC).

ISRI helped arrange for the coalition of associations and companies who are working together to address allegations that crumb rubber infill in athletic fields produce adverse health effects in young athletes to meet on Capitol Hill with leading lawmakers and committee staff. Also on the agenda was a White House meeting to discuss the joint EPA/Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)/Agency for Toxic Substances Disease Registry (ATSDR) research on the risks associated with crumb rubber. The aim of the meetings was to bring Congress and the White House up-to-date on the research and urge EPA to use sound science, including comparative analysis, and placing the results in context to provide the necessary answers for parents, athletes, lawmakers, and the public. The EPA/CPSC/ATSDR study was ordered by the White House following a request by Senators Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) and Bill Nelson (D-FL). The coalition has responded by meeting with EPA and the Consumer Product Safety Commission providing summaries of the 90 existing reports and studies as well as offering help in gaining access to fields. The coalition also conducted production facility tours for EPA and CPSC staff to see firsthand how the material is manufactured and tested as well as to discuss scientific protocols with other scientists and toxicologists.