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Law Enforcement Outreach

Feb 27, 2018, 10:21 AM by SPAN
To date, ISRI is scheduled to exhibit at three major law enforcement conferences in 2018.
  • June 17 – 19, ReMA will exhibit at the National Sheriffs Association Annual Conference to be held in New Orleans   
  • ISRI will exhibit at the FBI National Academy Associates Annual Conference held in Quebec City, Canada 
  • International Association of Chiefs of Police Conference being held October 7 – 9, in Orlando. 

Additional dates may be added throughout the year depending on scheduling opportunities.

Why it’s important:  These conferences are attended by thousands of law enforcement executives from across the country and Canada and represent all sizes of police departments and sheriffs’ offices. 

  • Many are interested in finding low cost/no cost crime prevention tools and solutions to crimes in their communities, including metals theft
  • ISRI promotes the willingness of members to work with law enforcement in combatting metals theft, and
    • …will provide attendees with information on resources made available by members such as,, and other educational materials.

Be Aware: ISRI will be contacting the chapters that cover the above locations to secure volunteers to assist in the exhibit booth. Past experience indicates officers like hearing direct from recyclers on efforts to reduce metals theft. 

Mutilated Coin Redemption Program Gets Underway

The U.S. Mint finalized its regulations and resumed their Mutilated Coin Redemption Program in mid-January spelling out the new process for redeeming mutilated coins including the guidelines for the new certification process for large quantity submitters. 

  • The regulations detail
    • …how coins are to be submitted, and
    • …what types of coins it will no longer accept.
  • The guidelines include a list of vital recycling industry facility contacts and other information
  •  The regulations also provide the U.S. Mint
    • …the right to inspect a facility before accepting coin submissions  
    • …the right to refer cases to the Department of Justice for criminal prosecution if the Mint suspects fraudulent activity
  • To date, the U.S. Mint has accepted certification submissions
    • …but it has not formally noticed any submitter of acceptance  
  • The Mint has indicated that certification submissions will begin to be completed soon and submitters should be notified by March 1, or soon thereafter
The U.S. Mint’s certification form can be found at