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New State Resources: Tracking, Policy Positions and The State Roundup

Feb 27, 2018, 10:32 AM by SPAN
ISRI's State Policy pages have been revamped for the 2018 legislative session with new public and member resources, including summaries of how ISRI's Positions impact state policy and new tracking options.

span_022718bWhy this matters: The web of statutes, regulations, and new legislation impacting the recycling industry can make compliance difficult. ISRI's various Policy and Regulations resources help members keep up-to-date and involved with key policies, regulations, and issues, both domestic and international.

How ISRI's Positions Impact State Policy

Sometimes it can be hard to know what resources ReMA has, especially if you are facing state policy changes that need quick action to ensure the voice of the recycling industry is heard. We have added summaries of ISRI's Positions impacting state policy issues on ISRI's State Policy page.

Each position statement has a short summary and a link to the full text. The positions have also been sorted by the issue or commodity they impact. These summaries are publically accessible. Members engaged in advocacy efforts can send policymakers here for more information. All ReMA positions are also publically accessible on ISRI's White Papers, Reports, and Analysis page.

New Live Tracking Reports

ISRI has compiled information on the laws affecting the industry in each state page, and we have added live reports of all active legislation and regulations for the 2018 session. You can also access reports impacting particular commodities, issues, and chapters from the main State Resources and Tracking page.

Members can toggle between alphabetical and last action, sort by clicking the icon in the top right, view a summary of the potential impact on the industry, see how far a bill has gotten, and link directly to the state's bill profile page for the full text.

Bottom Line: ReMA is constantly working to expand and improve all of our member resources on ISRI's Policy and Regulations pages.

Get Involved: If you have questions about a particular policy issue in or resources for your state or are interested in helping facilitate a regional advocacy training workshop for your ReMA chapter, contact Danielle Waterfield.