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Metals Theft Resolution

Apr 6, 2018, 13:01 PM by SPAN
ISRI holds a seat on the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) Crime Prevention Committee (CPC). ISRI was asked to develop a resolution to define the issue and the efforts taken by the recycling industry in combatting this crime.
  • The resolution, co-written by ReMA and the CPC Chair, emphasizes the importance of the recycling industry and the effects of metals theft and the lack of accurate data.
  • The resolution underscores the industry’s effort to work with law enforcement in fighting metals theft…
    • …it also highlights the resources provided by ReMA such as and law enforcement educational materials;
    • …the resolution was reviewed and approved by ISRI’s Materials Theft Task Force prior to final submission to the IACP.

Why it’s important

IACP resolutions establish policy and direct the efforts of its 30,000 worldwide members; many of which are executive level law enforcement officials.

  • …to underscore the importance of this initiative, both the IACP’s Private Sector Liaison Committee and Police Investigative Tools Committee have agreed to co-sponsor the resolution.

Be Aware: Further discussion on this resolution will be held during the IACP Policy Council Mid-Year Meetings, April 25-27. The resolution will be made available to all ReMA members upon approval by the IACP.