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People Machine Interface - Forklift Operator Non Ferrous Warehouse

Feb 1, 2019, 14:29 PM by ISRI Safety
Incident Date: 2/01/19

Incident Description: Forklift was loading  a trailer at a warehouse loading dock.  While backing out of the trailer, three  employees crossed behind it while walking to the time clock and lunch room. One employee was almost run over by forklift.

Root cause:  There was no defined walkway to the time clock for employees. Shared space for walking and driving. Forklift was backing out of the truck and driver did not see the employees.

Corrective action:  Consulted employees for needs and ideas.  Controlled the hazard by designating  a  walkway and installing  a protective barrier for pedestrians. Also provided direct access to restrooms.  (back of the building)

Near Miss Non Ferrous Warehouse PDF