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Surface Transportation Board Update

Feb 11, 2019, 15:32 PM by Ferrous Beat

The Surface Transportation Board (STB) finally has a quorum! While the STB is not fully stocked, it does have three members that can now move forward with regulatory initiatives and investigations. Anne Begeman was confirmed as the chairwoman while Patrick Fuchs has become the vice-chairman and Martin Oberman is a member. ISRI has joined with the Rail Coalition for many years urging the confirmation of these and other members to the Board. The scrap recycling industry has a pending matter to revoke the rail exemption for ferrous scrap that has been held up after Chairman Dan Elliott resigned at the end of his term in 2016. ISRI will be pushing the STB to approve this petition to provide the scrap industry additional options to address the sever rail service issues it has experienced for many year.