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State Legislative Roundup

Aug 13, 2019, 10:30 AM by Tires & Rubber Beat

As of July 1, only 7 states are still in regular session for the year, but special sessions, carryover bills, and regulatory changes can still present challenges to recyclers even after a state's legislature has adjourned. ReMA makes it easy to view the bills and regulations targeting tires and rubber (as well as our report focused on synthetic turf legislation) along with other commodities and issues on our State Resources and Tracking pages.

Tire / Rubber Legislation Enacted Since May Tire Beat:

  • Maine LD 1831: Amends the definition of "sale price" to exclude the state tire fee and the new state single-use bag fee.
  • Texas HB 1524: Omnibus; includes an amendment authorizing the comptroller to give preference to rubberized asphalt paving projects instead of the Texas Building and Procurement Commission.
  • Colorado SB 198: Raises the waste tire fee on January 1, 2020 from 55 cents to up to $2.00, as set by the Solid and Hazardous Waste Commission by rule, and, on January 1, 2024, reduces it to 55 cents. Recreates the end users fund, into which fund, on and after January 1, 2020, 75% of the revenue collected from the waste tire fee will be transferred. The fund is used to provide rebates to end users for the processing of waste tires into tire-derived products or fuel. The end users fund and the rebate program are repealed on July 1, 2025. Increases the number of waste tires that an owner or operator of a waste tire monofill is required to process into tire-derived product from 2 to 5.
  • Missouri SB 134: extends tire fee sunset to December 31, 2025
  • Minnesota SF 7A: Requires the commissioner of the Pollution Control Agency to conduct an analysis of the financial assurance required of owners and operators of permitted waste tire facilities.
  • Texas SB 649: Requires TCEQ to produce a Market Development Plan to stimulate use of recyclable materials as feedstock in processing and manufacturing. The plan must ascertain current in-state recycling capacity and identify barriers to growth. The plan also would outline a state strategy to reduce or eliminate these barriers, to encourage manufacturers to increase their use of recyclable feedstock, and to incentivize prospective manufactures to locate in Texas and create Texas jobs.