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ReMA Offers Overview of the State of Recycling Before House Recycling Caucus

Sep 30, 2019, 10:57 AM by Plastics Beat

On September 24, ReMA President Robin Wiener briefed the Recycling Caucus on The State of U.S. Recycling. Hosted by Recycling Caucus Co-Chairs, House Energy and Commerce Chairman Frank Pallone (D-NJ) and Representative John Shimkus (R-IL), the event focused on the many of the economic and environmental benefits of recycling while addressing how changes to global environmental and trade policies are changing the industry’s landscape.

In addition to ISRI, the event brought together other key stakeholders including the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, DC Public Works, Southeast Recycling Development Council, The Recycling Partnership, and the Paper Recycling Coalition.

“The recycling infrastructure in the U.S. touches almost every part of our economy – from retail stores, office complexes, residential neighborhoods, and schools to factories, construction and demolition sites, and even military bases,” said Wiener. “And the vast majority of the recyclable material that flows through the infrastructure does so without any problems, and is transformed by recyclers into clean, high quality, commodity grade product.”

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