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By Julius Hess, Regency Technologies
The SERI/R2 TAC is continuing to work on and improve the next version of the standard. ReMA has helped host two public workshops where SERI representatives have explained the changes and solicited feedback. SERI has also held other public meetings to solicit comments from other stakeholders as well. The R2 standard is an important development in the growth and importance of the electronics recycling industry and has helped the industry improve and respond to the needs of customers worldwide.
Following the public comment that concluded May 20, the R2 TAC considered each comment and suggestion and several were incorporated into the revision. At this time the revised re-draft is still in process and is also undergoing legal review, after which it will again be considered by the TAC.
Once this is completed the revised standard will once again be released to the public for a second 45 day comment period. Only clauses of the standard that had substantive changes from the prior draft will be open for comment in this second comment period. The best estimate is that this document will be released for the second round of public comments late in December. After this, comments and suggestions will again be considered for inclusion in the R2 standard.
While this process is going on, SERI will be completing the development of the auditor training program for the new standard. Since there are several significant issues that are still being weighed by the TAC, the final auditor training package will likely be amended as necessary to reflect those changes.
It is very important that everyone involved in the electronics recycling, reuse or refurbishment industry participate in the public meetings and provide your input to make the next version of R2 better and responsive to the ever changing environment.