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Register for Safe + Sound Week

Aug 14, 2022, 14:09 PM by EHS Update

Safe + Sound Week, August 15-21, is a nationwide event that recognizes the successes of workplace safety and health programs and offers information and ideas on how to keep America’s workers safe.

All organizations looking for an opportunity to recognize their commitment to safety are welcome to participate. Last year, more than 5,300 businesses helped to raise awareness about workers' health and safety. Join us!

After signing up to participate in Safe + Sound Week, visit the Plan and Promote Your Events page which provides examples of activities, as well as materials to help you participate in Safe + Sound Week in your workplace and online.


Check Out These Safe + Sound Week Public Events

Safe + Sound Week splits events into two categories: public and private. Private events are events that individual businesses host for their employees. Public events are activities that are free and open to everyone. You can view the list of public events under “Nationwide events” on the Safe + Sound Week map or you can see what public events are available by clicking on the different states. Here is a list of some public events being offered for Safe + Sound Week:

UTA OSHA Education Center - Arlington, TX

OSHA #7500 Course

8/15/2022, 8:00am - 5:00pm

We are providing free training on the OSHA #7500 Introduction to Safety & Health Management course. It is open to the public. The in-person training will be available on August 15th in three different venues: UTA OSHA Education Center, Arlington, TX; AGC Houston, UTA OSHA Education Center Training Site, Houston, TX; and virtual training via a live instructor-led course by UTA OSHA Education Center. This training covers the effective implementation of a safety and health management system. The course addresses the four core elements of an effective safety and health management system and those central issues that are critical to each element's proper management. This course is an interactive training session focusing on class discussion and workshops. Upon course completion students will have the ability to evaluate, develop, and implement an effective safety and health management system for their company. Individuals may register online or by calling 866-906-9190. For more information, email:


WVU Safety and Health - Morgantown, WV

Safe + Sound Webinar - WVU Safety and Health

8/15/2022, 10:00am-12:00pm

We are providing a free webinar as part of Safe + Sound week. It is open to the public. The training will be available on August 15th via videoconferencing. This training covers effective implementation of a safety and health management system and addresses the four core elements of an effective safety and health management system. Additionally, representatives from OSHA will also participate on this webinar to address consultation and compliance. This course is an interactive training session focusing on class discussion. Individuals may register at or email:



Heat Stress, Play it COOL!

8/19/2022, 12:00pm-1:00pm

No matter the reason, the world is getting hotter and regulation is expanding. You need foundational knowledge on heat stress and heat injuries as well as the ways to assess your risk, monitor your people and places, and control exposures. Prevention is vital to the continuity of your business. Join OHD for a FREE webinar on this hot topic. Email: for more information.