ReMA meets with the China Scrap Plastics Association

ISRI met with representatives of the China Scrap Plastics Association (CSPA) earlier this month at the 2014 Plastics Recycling Conference.

The purpose of the meeting was to discuss issues that both associations have in common and to understand the pressures, issues and challenges each face while representing their respective constituencies. Issues discussed ranged from Green Fence, to government regulations, to developing workshops at their respective annual meetings. With regard to the issue of Green Fence, ReMA expressed concern with the lack of a warning from the Chinese government before the enhanced inspections took effect. From its perspective, the CSPA had very little warning as well and when it was implemented, expressed the impact the policy is having on the Chinese recycling industry, economy and the ability of plastic recyclers to import materials. ReMA welcomed CSPA to participate in ISRI's Annual Convention and perhaps in 2015, there may be opportunities for information to be exchanged at a workshop. Throughout the wide-ranging talks, officials from both sides expressed mutual respect and acknowledgement that there is more in common than what is different. Overall, the discussion opened an important dialogue between the two groups who each look forward to working with the other on issues, ideas and information exchanges in the months and years ahead. For more information about this meeting contact Scott Horne.  

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