California's New Year Resolution: Use ScrapTheftAlert.com

California AB 2312 requires all recyclers to request to receive theft alerts from ScrapTheftAlert.com starting January 1, 2015, and encourages local law enforcement to use the system to report metal thefts that occurred within their jurisdiction.

This makes California the ninth state to require some form of notification system, with six specifically mentioning ScrapTheftAlert. AB 2312 will also require recyclers applying for a weighmaster's license to include a statement that they have requested to receive alerts.

The bill's preamble praises ReMA for working with law enforcement to integrate their suggestions and make ScrapTheftAlert more user-friendly, and points out that this is a system designed by recyclers that law enforcement and non-ISRI members can use free of charge. For members looking to convince stakeholders in their own state that the recycling industry is committed to working directly with legislators, law enforcement, and the public to combat metal theft, this section could serve as "proof" of our legitimacy and efforts as part of the solution.

Interested in which states require ScrapTheftAlert or have other licensing or registration requirements? You can check the Licensing, Registration, and Permitting Report or build your own using ISRI's State Metal Theft Law Database! Created as a public resource for legislators, law enforcement, recyclers, and other interested parties, the database helps visitors understand the laws with pre-made or custom reports on the provisions and states that interest them. This is a new resource that has already been highlighted by the National Conference of State Legislatures as an incredibly comprehensive and useful source of information.

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