New Advocacy Website Launched to Promote Industry's Agenda

ISRI recently launched a new website, ISRIAdvocacy.org, designed to engage, inform, and mobilize recycling grassroots so they can take action on issues important to the industry.

The site allows recyclers to locate state and federal elected officials and correspond with them on legislation and other policy matters. After registering as an advocate on the site, users can look up their state and federal officials. There is the ability to take action on key issues at both the state and federal levels using sample letters provided by ISRI. Current issues that members can take action on include: Support the Ports Transparency Act; Tell Congress to reauthorize the Ex-Im Bank; and Pass the Surface Transportation Reauthorization Act 2015.

In addition, advocates can share their stories about why and how they got involved in an issue and any successes they have had reaching out to policy makers. The site also connects to information on ISRI's key issues, state policy resources, the Recycling Caucus, and ReMA PAC. For more information on ISRI's advocacy efforts, please contact Billy Johnson.

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