Wanna follow politics, sports, and the 2016 election?

Easy - to follow politics, read Politico. You can do so on-line. It isn't partisan or ideological. But, it gets behind the scenes and its reporting is fairly objective.

Some excellent reporters write for Politico. One of its columnists is Roger Simon - who can be pleasantly sarcastic or direct and cynical. Some may find him a bit left of center. But, he's usually well informed and a fun read, too. Inside Washington reads Politico religiously.

For the 2016 election, sports and other things that can be quantified, read Nate Silver's 538 column (just Google 538).  Or, follow Nate Silver on Twitter. He and his staff recently did a regression analysis to find the airline that bested its competitors on the same routes it runs. The winner - Virgin America (performed better than its competitors 87 percent of the time). Oh, and Silver's 538 column predicted the results of every state (and the Electoral College) perfectly in 2012.

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