Message from the Paper Division Chair and PSI Chapter President


Paper recycling has been in a bit of a holding pattern as the industry finds its footing in this new market environment. We’re still facing unsure markets as trade policy continues to react to politics rather than supply/demand. But efforts are being made all over North America to make an opportunity out of this shift in the market.


As we continue to provide information to help you adapt to changing policies, please keep in mind that we need help in make sure our message gets out. Whether it’s knowing what policies or news that may affect markets to meeting up with each other to network and grow, we would like to hear more from you and get your involvement with strengthening our work in the paper recycling industry. We are expanding the continued success of our annual bowling tournament to include a multi-faceted entertainment experience. We wanted to expand the fun and networking for all to help raise funds for the youth supported by our industry.


Linda Leone, ReMA Paper Division Chair

Leonard Zeid, PSI Chapter President

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