July/August 1989
It's too easy for
radioactive material to enter a scrap recycling plant undetected. Here's
information on identifying potential radioactive sources and protecting
your employees and facility by taking sensible precautions.
By David M. Wassum
M. Wassum is director of risk management at the Institute of Scrap
Recycling Industries, Washington, D.C.
probably are aware of major radiation incidents, such as the Mexican
contamination and the multimillion-dollar cleanup of a New York steel
mill. In fact, the possible presence of radioactive materials at scrap
processing and steelmaking operations is a recurrent threat, one not
always publicized but still serious. During the 1980s, more than 30
incidents have occurred in which radioactive materials were received by
scrap processors or steel mills. In some cases, multimillion-dollar
cleanups were required as a result of the release of radioactive material.
In other cases, operations were severely disrupted, even though actual
remedial measures were relatively simple.
continued occurrence of these types of incidents poses a major challenge
to everyone involved in the metallic scrap recycling industry. At the very
least, the shipment of radiation-contaminated material to a purchaser
could jeopardize a business relationship. In extreme cases, the receipt
and processing or consumption of radioactive material could severely
contaminate a processing facility, steel mill, or foundry, pose risks to
employees and the public, and threaten the continued viability of an
help you protect your employees and facility, following is a description
of possible sources of radioactive material that conceivably could enter
the metallic scrap stream, and suggested protection measures.
Is Radiation?
are some basic facts, in extremely simplified terms, concerning
radioactivity. The characteristics of a specific substance are determined
by the combination of protons and neutrons within the atomic nucleus.
Although many such combinations are stable indefinitely, several hundred
other combinations of protons and neutrons are unstable and constantly are
undergoing decay. This decay process is called radioactivity.
or radioactivity may exist as particles moving at high speeds or as
electromagnetic radiation similar to light and heat. Three common types of
radiation are alpha particles, beta particles, and gamma or X rays. A
fourth type, neutron radiation, can be created as a result of interactions
between alpha particles and light metals, as well as in nuclear reactors
and other devices.
typically is measured by the rate at which a radioactive atom decays.
During this decay process, various types of radiation (for example, alpha,
beta, gamma) may be emitted. The potential threat posed by a particular
source of radiation is determined by the identity of the radioactive
material (cobalt 60, cesium 137), the form in which the material is
present (loose pellets, gas, plated material), and the amount of material
present (measured in curies). The effects of radioactive material are
further determined by the length of exposure, the presence of any
shielding material, and the distance between the source and the exposed
are exposed to radiation at all times, from multiple sources: cosmic rays
from outer space, natural radiation in soil and building materials,
television, diagnostic X rays, even the human body itself. Depending on
location and other factors, a particular individual may receive a dose of
from 100 to 600 millirads per year from this "background"
rules regarding occupational exposure to radiation limit the allowable
dose to the whole body to five rems per year. However, it has been
recommended that the allowable exposure be reduced to three rems per year.
For nonoccupational exposures, limits of 2 mrems (millirems) per hour, or
500 mrems per year, are recommended. Exposures up to these levels, even if
continuous, are not believed to have adverse effects on humans.
in Scrap Metal
material could enter a scrap plant, steel mill, or foundry in many forms
and from a variety of sources. Perhaps the most feared scenario is one in
which a shielded radioactive source is located within a load of scrap and
enters a metallic recycling facility undetected. When the scrap is
processed or melted, the shield may be breached, releasing the radioactive
material and causing severe contamination.
material could be present in virtually any type of metallic scrap. For
example, demolition scrap from industrial operations could contain
shielded gauges. Such devices typically consist of a small quantity of
radioactive material encased in a lead shield, which may in turn be
contained within a steel canister. Although material of this nature is
required to bear a "radioactive" label, in the course of many
years of industrial use the label could be defaced, removed, painted over,
or otherwise obliterated. Thus, the absence of a visible label is no
assurance that a device does not contain radioactive material.
devices are not the only potential source of radioactive material. You
need to know the other means by which radioactive materials could arrive
at your facility and understand the implications of each.
radioactive material conceivably could be present in a scrap shipment. If
a radioactive source such as a gauge or diagnostic device should be
damaged or partially dismantled prior to arrival at a scrap plant, the
radioactive material (possibly in the form of tiny pellets) could be
distributed throughout the load or could be concentrated in a specific
metal conceivably could be radioactive because of alloying with
radioactive materials. One possible source of such alloys is aerospace
material, such as aircraft engines that contain thorium, a naturally
radioactive substance. Another source could be steel manufactured in blast
furnaces that contain cobalt 60 as a refractory wear indicator. As the
refractory wears out, minute amounts of the radioactive cobalt 60 can
become alloyed with the steel, making the steel itself slightly
problem material is naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM), such
as radium, which is present in many natural substances. NORM-contaminated
scrap may be generated by oil field operations or other industries
involved in the extraction of materials from the earth. During extraction
and subsequent processing of these materials, NORM may become concentrated
in piping, storage vessels, or other material it contacts.
can be seen by the myriad potential sources of radioactive material, the
issue of potential radioactive contamination is a serious one. Because of
the severe risks involved, you need preventive measures. Unfortunately,
determining appropriate detection and control measures is not a simple
advances in detection technology have occurred over the past few years,
making installation of radiation detectors a feasible option for many
recyclers. However, purchasing an appropriate device can be a complicated
decision. At best, such a purchase is only one step in the development of
a practical control program for dealing with the threat of radioactive
basic types of detectors are available for recycling operations: survey
meters, ratemeters, and microprocessor-equipped detection devices.
hand-held survey meter usually is not practical for screening bulk loads
of scrap. This type of detector can identify relatively high levels of
radiation, but cannot detect a shielded source in a load of scrap. These
instruments are most useful in pinpointing a source of radiation and its
screening of scrap-bearing vehicles, such as trucks or railcars, a
stationary system using scintillation detectors is generally most
appropriate. In these systems, the detectors typically are connected to a
remote unit that measures the radiation intensity. The remote unit may be
either a ratemeter, which functions by counting pulses of radiation energy
collected by the detector and comparing the intensity to the background
radiation rate, or a microprocessor incorporating a statistical routine to
continuously compensate for varying changes in background radiation.
using ratemeters generally are not effective in detecting a shielded
source within a scrap shipment. Unless the source is located within
approximately a foot of the vehicle surface, this type of system is unable
to locate it.
an effort to increase sensitivity, some ratemeter-based detectors are
shielded to reduce the effects of background radiation. A ratemeter-based
system also can be improved by increasing the size of the detector.
However, even these enhanced ratemeters probably cannot detect a shielded
source hidden in more than a few feet of scrap metal.
some types of radioactive material (such as loose contamination, a
ruptured gauge, NORM), a ratemeter-based system may be entirely adequate
to detect the presence of radiation. However, if the intent is to identify
intact, shielded sources with a high level of certainty, any type of
ratemeter probably is inadequate. A current ratemeter-based system
probably is constrained to a detection probability of less than 50 percent
for hidden, shielded sources. In addition, these systems have an inherent
problem with false alarms.
sensitivity of a detection system can be much improved by using a
microprocessor. For example, to prevent excessive false alarms, a
ratemeter-based system must be set to alarm only when it detects radiation
at levels as high as twice the background level. In contrast, a
microprocessor-based system, incorporating sophisticated statistical
techniques, may be set to alarm at levels only about 10 percent above
background. Because of this greater sensitivity, microprocessor-based
systems can detect shielded sources deeply hidden within a load of scrap.
microprocessor-based systems are not foolproof. While the most powerful
radioactive sources probably can be detected with near 100-percent
certainty, shielded sources containing less intense radioactive materials
may not be detected even using state-of-the-art microprocessor technology.
For this reason, a detector alone (even if top-of-the-line) is not the
only answer for protecting an operation against the threat of radioactive
Do I Do When the Alarm Goes Off?
serious potential problem with most detection systems is the lack of
detailed information about the type or extent of radiation present. Some
systems are designed to simply provide a "go/no go" signal
whenever a shipment passes through the detector. If radiation is within
expected limits, the alarm does not sound. If radiation exceeds background
levels by some predetermined amount, the alarm will go off. When the alarm
sounds, the operator knows only that higher-than-background radiation
levels are present or that a false alarm has occurred.
false alarm generally can be ruled out by moving the vehicle back through
the detection system a second time; if the alarm again sounds, the
incident is most likely not a false alarm. However, the operator still
does not know much about the type or source of the radiation. For example,
an alarm could indicate any of the following:
- extremely
high radiation levels, posing a serious risk to exposed employees;
radiation levels distributed throughout the load (suggesting that the
shipment is contaminated with NORM);
radiation levels, because the source is contained within an intact shield;
radiation levels, even though a shielded source has been ruptured, because
the radioactive material is shielded by the mass of the scrap metal in the
shipment; or
radioactive material, presenting a serious risk of further contamination
if the load is disturbed.
such a situation, the operator has to make immediate decisions based on
incomplete information.
systems provide a display of "counts per minute" of radiation
pulses detected by the system. While these displays provide more
information about the intensity of the radiation field, they do not answer
most of the operator's questions.
these reasons, whenever a detection system is used, the operator also
should have a survey meter to further evaluate the shipment. The survey
meter could be used to identify the area of the shipment in which the
radioactive material is located and to provide a measure of the intensity
of the radiation. A survey meter should be used only by trained
operators may be tempted to deal with any alarm by sending the suspicious
shipment back to its source. Although this approach may seem expedient, it
probably is not a prudent response to a potential radiation incident. For
example, a driver may refuse to move a truck suspected of containing
"hot" material. Even if the driver is willing to move such a
load back to its source, it may be unwise to subject the individual to
this risk without knowing the extent of the radiation danger. Likewise, if
a vehicle identified as "hot" has entered a plant, it is
possible that radioactive material has contaminated the premises, possibly
posing a threat to employees and their families. Finally, if a
"hot" vehicle is sent back onto the highway, management may
become liable for any subsequent contamination. At the very least, such a
shipment may be in violation of various regulatory requirements concerning
shipment of radioactive materials. For all these reasons, a predetermined
action plan is needed to deal with radiation incidents.
for a Formal Program
who purchases a detection system should develop a plan for dealing with an
alarm situation. The company selling the detection system should provide
detailed assistance in developing this program. Depending on management's
desires and the technical expertise of plant employees, a procedure may be
developed to use a hand-held survey meter in an attempt to evaluate a
suspicious shipment and identify the source and intensity of the
radiation. Obviously, any such efforts must be undertaken only with the
highest degree of caution.
management may decide to call an outside expert, such as a certified
health physicist or a state radiation safety officer, any time an alarm
any currently available alarm system is not 100-percent effective,
recycling plant employees also must be trained to look for suspicious
materials that could be radioactive. For example, employees should be
aware of the types of devices used to contain radioactive material, such
as gauges and shipping canisters. The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
has prepared a wall chart containing pictures of typical devices. This
publication may be useful for in-plant training purposes.
plant operational procedures should require that any suspicious material
be examined before it is processed. For example, sealed containers should
be inspected to determine contents. Likewise, any material that cannot
readily be handled by a magnet should be investigated. Because of the
heavy lead shielding incorporated in a radioactive gauge housing, lifting
such a device with a magnet may be difficult, even though the outer casing
of the gauge is steel. Thus, if a container apparently made of steel
cannot be lifted by a magnet, the identity of the material should be
determined before it is handled further.
adequate preplanning, employee training, and use of appropriate detection
equipment, you can protect your operations against the significant threats
posed by radioactive materials.
(R): A measurement of the
intensity of radiation in the air. The term is applicable only to gamma or
X-ray radiation. This measure also may be expressed in milliroentgens (mR)
or microroentgens (uR). Note: 1 R = 1,000 mR = 1,000,000 uR.
(also millirad or microrad): A measure of the amount of radiation energy
absorbed by an object or person; a measure of the radiation dose.
(also millirem or microrem): Another measure of radiation dose, based on
the biological damage caused by absorbed radiation. Different types of
radiation (e.g., alpha, beta, or gamma) have different effects on the
body. A measurement in rems reflects these different effects. Millirem =
mrem; microrem = urem.
(also millicurie or microcurie): A measure of the activity of a
radioactive material, based on the number of disintegrations per second.
For gamma radiation (and X-rays) only, the first three measures are
roughly equivalent (i.e., 1 R = 1 rad = 1 rem). However, for other types
of radiation, the measures are not equivalent.
Radiation Incidents
1983--A radioactive source buried in a load of scrap is charged into
the furnace of a New York steel mill, resulting in the contamination of
the furnace shop, emission control system, and steel product. Cleanup
cost: more than $2 million.
1984--A medical therapy device containing radioactive cobalt 60
pellets is dismantled at a Mexican scrap plant. Radioactive pellets are
strewn throughout the neighborhood; others are subsequently incorporated
in steel products.
1985--An unknown cesium 137 source melted with a load of scrap metal
causes contamination at a California minimill. Contamination is
concentrated in baghouse dust and slag. Cleanup cost: more than $1
September 1987--Dross from an aluminum recycling plant sets off a radiation detector at a scrap plant. The dross had been contaminated with radioactive material from an unknown source.