May/June 2015 European facilities are
finding both problems and potential in recycling the shredded plastics from
end-of-life vehicles—and that material stream is likely to evolve.
By Allard Verburg
have focused intensively over the past 30 years on developing industrial
processes to separate plastics from shredded end-of-life vehicles, and such
processes have been commercialized over the last decade. The idea seems
promising: Plastics use has almost tripled since the mid-1980s, and, until
recently, higher oil and chemicals prices had led to increased values.
Recyclers have yet to successfully market large volumes of such plastics,
however. Without a regulatory push—be it a tax stimulus or a landfill ban—there
still seems to be no strong business case for retrieving polyolefins and
styrenics from automobile shredder residue. Simply put, recovering plastics
from ELVs is complex and costly.
In Europe, at least, the main driving force
behind ELV plastics recycling is regulation. The United States has been more of
a “pull” market, especially since the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
(Washington, D.C.) issued a clarification in 2013 that allows the recycling of
plastics from shredder aggregate within certain parameters regarding PCB
Nowadays, half of automotive plastics are
polypropylene, talc-filled polypropylene, polyethylene, and acrylonitrile
butadiene styrene. The remaining half consists of a wide array of other,
cross-polymer compounds that offer a high engineering value but are difficult
to recycle. Of an average vehicle’s weight of 1,300 kilograms, more than 120 kg
(9.2 percent) is plastic. Although this share has stabilized in recent years,
it has surged since the 1960s, when the average was 10 kg. Today, nearly a
thousand parts in a passenger vehicle are made of plastic, including an
increasing share of high-performance engineering plastics.
Incentives for
it is much younger than its metals recycling counterpart, the plastics
recycling sector is growing rapidly. The main source of supply is
postproduction scrap, as well as postconsumer packaging and construction and
demolition scrap. Automobiles are a larger piece of the metals market—both
their production and their recycling—than they are of the plastics market. Only
6.8 percent of the world’s polymer production ends up in automotive
subassemblies, as opposed to 22 percent of steel, 15.2 percent of aluminum, and
9.5 percent of copper.
Reasons for plastics recycling are the same as
those for recycling other materials: The intrinsic value of plastics is high,
especially for those used in automotive applications; the environmental
benefits are unrivaled; and the required technology is available and rapidly
advancing. Further, financial or organizational stimuli may lead to higher
recycling rates. Problems relating to end-of-life plastics are under increased
public scrutiny in much of the world. Industrial or private consumers may find
marketing incentives for recycling plastics or using recycled plastics,
increasing demand.
One incentive in Europe for recycling ELV
plastics is European Union regulations that require a weight-based material
recovery rate of 85 percent of the car. At best, recyclers can achieve this
rate economically by shredding the vehicle, recovering ferrous and nonferrous
metals, and intensely sorting metals and valuable plastics out of the
automobile shredder residue. Theoretically, separation of plastics from ASR
could add roughly 8 percentage points to the 75-percent recovery achieved
through metal extraction. Currently used best available technology can only add
about 5 percentage points to the recovery rate, however.
At the same time, the recycled plastics market
is still tightly connected to the crude oil market. Low prices for oil and
virgin plastics reduce the economic incentive for recycling these plastics. Shredder Inputs and
automotive shredder residue is less complex than mixed shredder residue, which
arises where shredders commingle ELVs at the source with electronics and other
scrap. ASR is distinct from MSR because it has less wood content and lower
chemical contamination, such as from brominated or antimony flame retardants
and PCBs. The automotive industry phased out the use of mercury, lead, and
(with minor exceptions) nickel some years ago—much earlier than the electronics
or aviation sectors. PCBs could be a serious source of contamination, but with
strict recycling chain controls in place, content levels are far below Europe’s
50 parts-per-million limit.
More problematic for plastics recovery is the
heterogeneous nature of “raw” ASR. Separation of valuable plastics will remain
complicated without vehicle depollution standards for the removal of tires,
hazards, and liquids. Today, off-the-shelf technology and processes can
eliminate unwanted elements such as metals, fibers, and minerals from the
plastics stream, but the removal of contaminants still poses a challenge.
Often, manufacturers have not tailored this equipment to cope with fluctuating
material compositions—including, for example, organics (wood) and rubber
content. Low-Quality
shredder companies in Europe and the United States operate an integrated or
outsourced ASR recovery process, either targeting only the shredder heavy
fraction (i.e., that containing larger amounts of metals) or that plus the
shredder light fraction (plastics, rubber, glass, textiles, etc.). In some
cases, these investments receive financial or regulatory support.
It is inappropriate to equate ASR plastics to
plastics recovered from other product groups. Every product group has its own
merits, whether it’s packaging, electronic scrap, or ELVs. Often regarded as
the most complex mass consumer product, modern vehicles incorporate increasing
levels of technology and material combinations in order to satisfy consumer
Manufacturers can convert different grades of
plastic regranulate into new plastic components via injection molding and
thermoforming. Although this attracts plenty of positive marketing attention,
most of the plastics end up in low-quality applications or need to be
extensively blended with virgin grades. For ASR plastics, a park bench might be
considered a high-quality application; other examples include the production of
composite panels and structures such as railway ties. The recycler might be
able to redirect any fractions that are unsuitable for material recycling to
co-combustion within cement kilns or to energy recovery, depending on their
chlorine level.
Fields of Innovation
are plenty of fields of innovation within the ASR processing chain, especially
in the recovery of plastics. With spectral imaging, innovation is taking place
to improve the speed and quality of sensor-based X-ray, color, near-infrared,
and laser sorting. The latest developments are combining several sorting tasks.
Innovations in organic-based plastics—the use
of sugar cane and cornstarch to create polylactic acid—might sound like an
environmentally preferable alternative to petroleum-based plastics. But for the
recycling process, organic-based plastics have an adverse impact because the
melt-flow temperature is totally different.
The key innovation—and the one that will
improve the recycling rate and quality of plastics from ASR—relates to the production
of plastics in the automotive product supply chain. Product designers currently
lack a true incentive and the essential knowledge to create materials and
products that, at the very least, will not dent overall vehicle recyclability.
Synergy with other complex waste streams also is essential to reach a true
market scale.
Composites Are Coming
their use now is limited within the automotive sector, composite materials will
have significant technical, economic, and organizational impacts on the
existing recycling chain. The practical recyclability of novel plastic
combinations is becoming increasingly important.
The best-known example of extensive plastics
composite use in automobiles was when East German automaker VEB Sachsenring
launched the Trabant motor car in the 1950s. To limit the use of expensive
metals, VEB manufactured the car’s body using Duroplast, a thermosetting
plastic-containing resin strengthened by recycled wool or cotton.
For recyclers, thermosets are infamous for
their irreversible characteristics. Unlike thermoplastic composites, thermosets
cannot be returned to their original matrix. Such thermoset structural
composites are now employed in the aviation sector and some modern car
equivalents, such as electric vehicles that boast a thermoset,
carbon-reinforced frame and bodywork. These lightweight vehicles have excellent
environmental characteristics, such as reduced greenhouse gas emissions.
To an increasing extent, the car manufacturing
chain is investigating thermoplastic composites, not least because they are
more easily recyclable than thermoset composites, but also because carbon (or
other) fibers can be recovered and reintroduced into lower-quality
applications. Electric vehicles with carbon composite structures could become
iconic for the recycling sector. In addition to their high-voltage battery
packs and high levels of gluing instead of welding, their composite body panels
will require a totally different recycling approach. Indeed, these could become
the first vehicles recovered for their polymeric value rather than for their
metal content.
The recycling sector has always been adaptive
by nature, learning to transform a threat into an opportunity. Economic value
within production and recycling has always been the pillar supporting recycling
chains. Therefore, all operators along the value chain should collaborate to
create an ecologically and economically sustainable model for extending the
life of plastics from end-of-life vehicles.
Allard Verburg is the
business development manager at ARN Recycling (Tiel, Netherlands). Visit Scrap has adapted this article, with permission, from one
that originally appeared in the April 2015 issue of Recycling International.
ASR Processing in
days, most medium and large shredder groups use heavy media separation plants
to extract metallic fines from their automobile shredder residue. The majority
of them also recover plastics—such as PP, PE, ABS, and PS—that have the most
commercial value but also to satisfy European recycling targets.
Recycling companies in Europe that have put a
strong emphasis on plastics separation from the ASR light fraction include the
Metal Recycling (Warrington, England), the major UK shredder group, operates a
joint venture plastics separation facility with MBA Polymers (Worksop, England)
in central England. This plant accepts preprocessed plastics from EMR shredding
and heavy media plants across the UK.
Polymers (Manchester, England), in a strategic partnership with the S. Norton
& Co. (Liverpool) shredder group, is processing ASR at its new site in
Manchester. The Shredder Waste Advanced Processing Plant has the capacity to
handle 200,000 mt of ASR per year. Axion’s Salford plant converts the plastics
concentrate into a range of products.
(Tiel, Netherlands) is the Dutch compliance organization that runs its own
post-shredder treatment, or PST, plant in the town of Tiel, Netherlands. This
is capable of annually processing some 50,000 mt of ASR light fraction and
shredder heavy fraction residues supplied by shredders in both the Netherlands
and elsewhere.
Environnement (Paris), France’s largest shredder group, runs a proprietary PST
plant at Bruyères, building on its long experience in plastics from
electronics. The plastics are further processed at partner company Plastic
Omnium (Levallois), the largest plastics producer in France.
Recycling (Bottrop, Germany), the largest car shredder in Germany, is
developing a PST plant in Brandenburg through its wholly owned subsidiary
Remine. With start-up expected in 2016, it will serve TSR’s 10 shredder sites.
Group (Essingen, Germany) could well be the PST specialist with the longest
history. It was early this millennium that the family-owned German business
began to explore the treatment of shredder light fraction at its Espenhain
facility, SRW metalfloat. It expanded the plant hugely in 2011 to give it an
annual capacity of 105,000 mt of shredder light fraction.
Plastics (Halluin, France) has the capacity to pretreat 200,000 mt a year of
ASR (both shredder light fraction and shredder heavy fraction) as well as
engage in final treatment of ASR-derived plastics at a rate of 50,000 mt a
year. The company, at the border of France and Belgium, also accepts pretreated
ASR from other operators around Europe.
Marketing ASR Plastics
(Tiel, Netherlands) has conducted extensive research into purifying ASR
plastics concentrates to remove unwanted elements, especially rubber and wood.
It has made investments to integrate new screening and bouncing machines that
remove such contaminants.
The ARN plant produces three plastics
concentrates: heavier than 1.3 kilograms per litre (50 percent), 1.1 to 1.3
kg/l (20 percent), and a floating fraction of less than 1.1 kg/l (30 percent).
ARN separates these materials from the raw ASR fraction through grinding,
magnetics, and air separation. Two sink-float steps using calcium carbonate as
a medium achieve the actual separation of the plastics.
The heaviest fraction contains valuable
metals—such as copper wire and stainless steel—that can be further separated by
balling the metals and using air tables for metal-plastic separation. The
remaining plastic-rubber mixture is high in chlorine (10 percent) and therefore
difficult to process in an incineration plant.
The middle fraction contains a broad spectrum
of plastics, but they are still difficult to separate for material recycling.
Normally, this fraction is used as a reducing agent in a blast furnace. ARN is
investigating potential material-recycling applications.
The lightest fraction contains the most
interesting plastics for material recycling, which are the polyolefins (PP/PE)
and styrenics (ABS/PS).
Additional sink-float steps, electrostatic
separation, and near-infrared and color sorting achieve further upgrading of
these fractions into single plastic streams. The melt filtration after the
extrusion line will take away the final impurities, such as rubber.
Specialist plastics recycling companies that
have access to other plastics for blending conduct this downstream separation
and compounding of plastics, thus attaining the right qualities and product
specifications for a stable supply of a specified end product.