2014 Youth Video and Poster Contest Winners

Youth Video and Poster Contest
ReMA sponsors an annual video and poster contest for students that features recycling-related themes. The contest is co-presented with JASON Learning, a nonprofit organization managed by Sea Research Foundation, Inc., in partnership with the National Geographic Society. 

There are three levels of winners: 


Grade Level Type Poster
K-4 Finalist
Emily Aikens & Bridget Dowd
4th Grade - Forty Fort, PA
2014 Poster Finalist K-4
5-8 Finalist & Grand Prize Winner
Leanza S. M. Toves
7th Grade - Kapolei, HI
2014 Poster Finalist K-4
5-8 Honorable Mention
Reiden Magdaleno
6th Grade - Grand Blanc, MI
2014 Poster Honorable Mention 1
5-8 Honorable Mention
Colette Combs and Sierra Mielens
7th Grade - Hampstead, NH
2014 Poster Honorable Mention 2
9-12 Finalist
Gabriella McIntosh
12th Grade - Fort Lauderdale, FL
2014 Poster Finalist 9-12


Grade Level Type Video
5-8 Finalist
Elias Larsen
7th Grade - Hampstead, NH
2014 Video Contest Finalist
5-8 Honorable Mention
Elizabeth Field
Isabella Combs
7th Grade - Hampstead, NH
2014 Video Contest Honorable Mention 5-8
9-12 Finalist & Grand Prize Winner
Marlowe Lexvold - 11th Grade
Ahnika Lexvold
11th Grade - South Haven, MN
2014 Video Contest Finalist 9-12
9-12 Honorable Mention
Juan Jose Lujan
12th Grade - Odessa, TX
2014 Video Contest Honorable Mention 9-12

Have Questions?

Rachel Bookman
Director of Communications
(202) 662-851