Recycling Education and Research Foundation

Recycle Research Foundation
The Recycling Education and Research Foundation (RERF), formerly known as Recycling Research Foundation (RRF), is a 501(c) (3) not-for-profit organization (FIN 52-1332690) associated ISRI.

The Foundation’s mission is to “sponsor projects which promote public awareness, education, research and the advancement of recycling.”

Foundation Activities


Over the last 19 years, RERF has fulfilled its mission in two primary areas; the offering of scholarships to undergraduate and graduate students, as well as military veterans, and the funding of research beneficial to the recycling industry. Through generous donations, RERF has awarded more than $1.6 million in scholarships to 1,200 students across the country and has overseen much needed research into the science and technology involved with recycling.

Over the last few years, RERF has funded valuable industry research, including the latest adoption of the new lugger truck container securement standards by the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA); a comprehensive study in Houston, TX analyzing the air quality from recycling facilities and nearby neighborhoods; and the creation of a uniform ASTM standard that governs the manufacture of loose-filled playground mulch.

Are you interested in receiving funding from the Recycling Education and Research Foundation? Will your research benefit the recycling industry? If so, we’d like to hear from you. 

By funding research and providing academic scholarships, the foundation raises the profile of the recycling industry.

National Scholarships

Since 2010, RERF has sponsored a graduate scholarship to individuals seeking a graduate degree in programs that support the scrap processing or the recycling industry. Recognizing the need for affordable graduate education, the foundation created a $5,000 national scholarship open to graduates regardless of their affiliation with ISRI.

The industry needs individuals who are looking to provide solutions and to advance the industry with innovative technology and policies. We look towards the next generation to move the industry forward. If you have a passion for recycling and for the advancement of sustainability, we encourage you to apply and learn more about the scrap recycling industry.

Deadline for application has been extended to June 1, 2021 for maximum consideration. Contact the Natasha Grant, Content Marketing Manager, for questions.

2021 Recycling Education and Research Foundation National Scholarship

National Veterans Stipend

Over the last several years, the Recycling Education and Research Foundation (RERF) has become keenly aware of the number of veterans in need of financial aid as they seek to complete their undergraduate education. Understanding that not all expenses may be covered through existing government and scholarship aid, RERF created a stipend of up to $8,000 open to those who have served in the U.S. armed forces.

This stipend covers $2,000 per year and is renewable for up to 4 years or the length of study, whichever comes first. Applicants must be a U.S. citizen, have served a minimum 2 years active duty or 4 years reserve in a branch of the U.S. military and have been honorably discharged. Please note that while this stipend is intended to support those who have completed military service, it does not exclude members of the Ready Reserve who are in a non-drill pay or non-drill status.

2021 Recycling Education and Research Veteran's Stipend Application

Chapter Scholarships

The Recycling Education and Research Foundation provides scholarships awarded by ReMA Chapters that have a scholarship programs. These programs award scholarships to dependents of employees of chapter member companies, who can use the funds for college, university, or trade school tuition. Each chapter establishes the qualification criteria, the amount of its scholarships, and selects its own recipients. 

A current list of ReMA Chapters with a scholarship program:

2021 RERF Silent Auction

Don’t miss the annual Recycling Education and Research Foundation Silent Auction, held in conjunction with ISRI2021! This year promises to be better than last, with exciting vacation packages and beautiful artwork. Items are donated by ReMA convention exhibitors, ReMA Chapters, local artists, and individuals within the industry.

Now Accepting Donations

Recycling’s Advocate

For 41 years, ReMA's Recycling Education and Research Foundation has advanced the scrap industry through its issue analysis and academic scholarship support.

Read More

Your Privacy

RERF takes the privacy of all those who visit its website or apply for any of its scholarships very seriously.

RERF Privacy Policy


Have Questions?

Chris Puig
Executive Assistant
(202) 662-8503