State Specific Policy Resources: Connecticut

Connecticut state flag

Auxiliary Containers

ReMA note: 2019 Connecticut HB 7424 Section 355, effective Aug. 1, 2019, includes a $0.10 fee for each plastic "single-use checkout bag" provided by a store until June 30, 2021. On or after July 1, 2021, no store shall provide or sell a plastic "single-use checkout bag". Does not preempt local ordinances provided they are as restrictive or more restrictive, and explicitly does not prohibit local ordinances regarding paper checkout bags. A link to the statute will be provided once available.

Electronics Recycling

Materials Theft

Scrap Yard / Junk Yard Zoning

State Superfund (no SREA equivalent)

Stormwater Permitting

Vehicle Detitling / Dismantling

Have Questions?

Justin Short
Director, Gov't Relations
(202) 662-8508

Abby Blocker
VP of State & Local Government Affairs
(202) 662-8511