The members of ISRI’s Pacific Northwest Chapter had a fantastic time at the late night party on Tuesday at the Showbox, a popular music venue that has seen every important Seattle band at one time or another. Great conversations, albeit over a very decibel-heavy cover band, were had with our local lawmakers and their staffs, including a nice visit with Representative Roger Goodman (WA), who has been immensely supportive of our members. It was also fun for our members to meet ISRI members from other parts of the country with whom they don't otherwise cross paths.
After a short sleep, we were back at it again for a very successful luncheon, where I had some very interesting conversations with legislators from the state of Mississippi. As they are one of the states with an electronic reporting component in their metal theft law, we spoke about ISRI's new policy of supporting such reporting with certain protections and limitations.
All in all, the access to lawmakers from all around our country and in an environment where ISRI was showcasing some of what we do with some very cool exhibits, the NCSL sponsorship is one of the best investments ISRI makes.
Ryan Glant is vice president/general manager for ISRI member Pacific Iron & Metal, and serves as president of ISRI’s Pacific Northwest Chapter.