• Press Release

This Labor Day ISRI Applauds the 450,000 Americans Working in the U.S Scrap Recycling Industry

For Immediate Release September 6, 2011

Washington, D.C. – Despite an overall gloomy job environment this Labor Day, the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries Inc. (ISRI), will be celebrating the fact that the people and firms that purchase, process and broker scrap materials to be manufactured into new products provide 459,140 people with good jobs in the United States. ISRI applauds these men and women for being at the heart of this growing industry. 

In 2011, 137,640 jobs are being supported by the manufacturing and brokerage operations of the scrap recycling industry in the United States. These jobs are paying on average a wage of $66,704. In addition to this, 321,500 jobs are indirectly supported by the scrap recycling industry through suppliers and industry expenditures.

“This Labor Day 450,000 people are working because of the strenghth of the U.S. scrap recycling industry,” said Robin Wiener, ISRI President. “This number will continue to grow with the recognition that the scrap recycling industry can boost our economy, improve our trade deficit, and protect our environment and natural resources.”

The Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries, Inc. (ISRI) has released a study highlighting both the economic and environmental impact of the US scrap recycling industry. The study, commissioned by ISRI and undertaken by John Dunham and Associates, looks at different kinds of economic activity – jobs and exports – and both direct and indirect economic impacts at the national, state and congressional district levels.

The economic study can be viewed in its entirety at www.isri.org/2011scrapjobstudy. The site is equipped with an interactive map that will allow users to not only see the impact that the US scrap recycling industry is having nationally, but also the contributions that are being made to individual states and congressional districts. 

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