September/October 1988
Environmental concerns facing recyclers around the globe will be the focus of the fall meeting of the Bureau International de la Recuperation in Berlin.
By Jeff Borsecnik
Jeff Borsecnik, a former associate editor of Scrap, is now a writer based in Seattle.
The Bureau International de la Recuperation (BIR) will hold its fall convention October 24-26 at the Palasthotel in Berlin, German Democratic Republic. More than 450 delegates are expected.
According to BIR, recyclers in the host country are taking an active role in planning the programs and speakers for this meeting. Tours of recycling facilities for delegates are also being planned.
BIR President Jake J. Farber, Alpert & Alpert Iron & Metal, Inc., Los Angeles, California, said that the environmental problems facing recyclers worldwide would be one of the major areas of discussion during the Berlin meeting. He pointed out that BIR established an Environment Committee during the May convention in Amsterdam. Michael C.E. Lion, Philipp & Lion Limited, Herts, United Kingdom, was named committee chairman.
Farber said that one of the keys to the success of BIR's environmental efforts will be the cooperation of the national trade associations. He envisions BIR as a clearinghouse to collect information on environmental matters of interest and concern to the recycling industries and to then make it available to other member associations.
A BIR official said that one of the immediate concerns in Europe is the transboundary shipment of hazardous wastes. He expects a discussion of this issue in Berlin.
Farber expressed his confidence that BIR's new Environmental Committee can make an important contribution in helping its member associations deal with growing environmental problems.
Environmental concerns facing recyclers around the globe will be the focus of the fall meeting of the Bureau International de la Recuperation in Berlin.