Dealing With Radioactive Scrap2

Jun 9, 2014, 09:06 AM
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Dealing With Radioactive Scrap

A decade ago, few scrap processors had heard of radioactive scrap, but today “hot” scrap is a hot issue, posing serious health and financial dangers to the industry. A recent ReMA seminar concluded that the problems posed by radiated scrap must be solved through cooperation between scrap processors, government regulators, and safety equipment professionals.



On February 21, 1983, Auburn Steel Co. Inc. (Auburn, N.Y.) received a piece of hospital equipment in some of the 1,800 tons of scrap it received that day. The unit was not particularly conspicuous or notable, except that the company's magnet had difficulty picking up the unit's head, which was no larger than a basketball. No one realized that the unit was only sheathed in steel and filled with a lead shielding that contained a significant amount of cobalt-60, a radioactive material.

It was only after the unit had been melted down and incorporated into new steel that the company discovered the radiation contamination. This disaster, which closed Auburn Steel for 28 days and cost $4 million to clean up, was the first publicly documented incident of steel mill contamination from a radiated scrap source. It sent shock waves through the steel and scrap industries, and created a new area of radiation concern--"hot" scrap--that was not addressed by government regulations. All of a sudden, scrap processors started asking what they could do to avoid or respond to radioactive scrap.

Ten panelists grappled with this issue at a "Radioactivity in Scrap Metal" seminar on Sept. 12 in Washington, D.C., organized by the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries (ISRI). Cosponsors of the seminar included the Aluminum Association, the American Iron and Steel Institute, the Ferrous Scrap Consumers Coalition, the Specialty Steel Industry of the United States, and the Steel Manufacturers Association.

The panelists, who represented state and federal regulatory agencies, private consulting firms, and industry members, provided a basic education for the 100-plus attendees and promoted cooperation between industry and government to diminish the threat of radioactive scrap. Though there are no easy answers, the seminar provided essential information to help scrap processors and consumers face this new challenge.

Detection Can Mean Protection

Following the adage "The best offense is a good defense," panelists recommended that scrap processors and consumers purchase some type of radiation detection equipment. William C. Fisher, vice president of U.S. plant operations for Steelmet Inc. (McKeesport, Pa.), asserted, "Those scrap processors who do not put [radiation monitors] in their plants are only kidding themselves, because sooner or later it's going to come back on them."

Anthony LaMastra, a certified health physicist with Health Physics Associates Inc. (Lenhartsville, Pa.), agreed, stating, "The reason for putting a system in is that you're trying to protect your workers and your facility. Understand that you're really buying an insurance policy, and the amount of money that you spend becomes a management decision."

Upper management must totally support any equipment purchase, LaMastra stressed, and be willing to invest in a system with the necessary sensitivity, ensure that the equipment is used properly, and commit trained personnel to maintain the equipment and respond effectively to an alarm. James A. Dacey of Auburn Steel advised attendees that "when you set up a system, you want to make sure that you're not doing it 75 percent or 80 percent--but 100 percent. We monitor everything that goes in and out of our plant--even the vending machine company."

Detection equipment ranges from handheld monitors that cost a few hundred dollars to $300,000-plus units that can detect shielded sources in a pile of scrap. In choosing equipment, LaMastra said, scrap processors must match the detection equipment to their needs, taking into account their budgets, the size of their operations, the types of scrap they process, in what types of vehicles most scrap arrives, what they aim to detect (shielded or unshielded sources), and the weather conditions at their plants.

Desirable features in detectors are high sensitivity, with a low background-radiation pickup and a low false-alarm rate. "If the system keeps alarming," LaMastra pointed out, "it's going to be turned off." To increase a monitor's effectiveness, he recommended surrounding all sides except the front with lead shielding.

Panelists noted the need for governments to establish testing and performance standards for radiation detection equipment to help buyers make wise purchases. Morning panel moderator Joel O. Lubenau, senior project manager for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), responded by noting that "even though we don't have standards for you, we can share some of the techniques that we normally use to assure that the equipment you purchase is performing the way it should."

As a complement to radiation detection equipment, several panelists recommended that scrap recyclers should establish a service contract with a health physics consul ant to provide on-call services in emergency situations. Such professionals can offer vital technical expertise and instruments, said Kevin M. Ramsey, a nuclear safety engineer with the NRC, adding, "They can analyze what's going on and relay information back to us or other regulatory agencies involved." Contact information on these consultants can be found in nuclear buyer's guides.

When the Alarm Sounds

Advance emergency planning is essential to a radiation response plan, panelists advised. Personnel must know what they will do when the alarm sounds. "Develop procedures before you have the system installed," LaMastra noted. "If you don't, you're going to be haggling over them and developing them on the fly.”

Michael S. Peters, environment and energy manager of Structural Metals Inc. (SMI) (Seguin, Texas), said his company has established a standard radiation response plan for most scenarios.

If a detector is triggered, SMI runs the load through again to check for a false alarm. If the alarm does not sound again, the load may proceed. If the alarm sounds a second time, the company notes the radiation reading on the detector. For low-level readings, the load is sorted to locate the contaminated piece, in accordance with a protocol established with Texas. For medium-level readings, the company notifies the state's department of health and asks for guidance. For high-level readings, the company isolates the load, immediately notifies the state, and waits for assistance. In all cases, the scrap supplier is informed of the radiation found in the material.

SMI began monitoring its loads in 1986 and is into its second generation of detection equipment. Since that time, the company has detected radiation in approximately one out of every 1,000 loads. Key to SMI's response plan, Peters pointed out, is contacting the appropriate state and/or federal authorities as needed, taking advantage of their monitoring and assistance roles. Scrap recyclers do not have to confront a radiation problem alone.

Calling In the Government

Once a recycler has detected radioactive scrap, the question remains: What do you do with it?

Steelmet's Fisher observed, "There are still people out there who, when they find out they have a radiation problem, they literally bury it. They're afraid of what's going to happen. They're afraid of calling someone. They're afraid of what it's going to cost them."

There are extensive resources available to them, however, through federal agencies like the NRC, the Department of Transportation (DOT), and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), as well as their state's department of environmental resources and local police and fire departments. Most agency services are paid for by tax dollars and are provided free. "I hate to use the adage 'I'm from the government, I'm here to help you,' but that is the attitude my agency takes," said James G. Yusko of Pennsylvania's Department of Environmental Resources. "If there's a problem, we try to determine what we can do to solve it. And I think that's what you'll find with most of the agencies that respond.”

Afternoon panel moderator Michael E. Wangler, chief of DOT's radioactive materials branch, echoed that sentiment. "We in the federal sector attempt to help you as much as we can. One of the jobs of my group is to provide as much assistance as possible, short of providing 100-percent consulting services to an individual."

The first concern of any state or federal regulatory agency is to control public exposure to the radiation source. Then agencies can:

advise scrap processors by telephone how to respond to a radioactive material; ill send inspectors to the site;

coordinate the efforts of several government agencies;

provide direct surveys and lab analyses;

assist with paperwork;

suggest the proper consultants;

help recyclers decide how to proceed; and

provide exemptions from certain regulations.

The NRC also offers field monitoring, aerial monitoring, and medical assistance.

G. Wayne Kerr of Illinois's Department of Nuclear Safety said that when scrap processors and consumers discover a contamination, they should call their state regulators and describe the event in detail, tell how the material was detected, provide radiation readings (if available), and give the names and contact numbers of all parties involved. Regulatory agencies generally do not actually handle or dispose of radioactive material, but they can assist in arranging for such disposal.

Establishing Guidelines

The Auburn Steel contamination incident surprised everyone, including the government's regulatory agencies, which have been playing a game of regulatory catch-up since 1983. "When this problem first came to light, it really caught the regulatory community off guard," the NRC's Ramsey said. He added that agencies are increasingly having to step beyond their normal monitoring roles into a more active, physical response role.

Radioactive scrap does require regulation, yet no standardized rules have been established as yet. On the transportation front, DOT's Wangler said, "Contaminated scrap presents a bit of a unique situation." Ramsey noted, "Presently there's no formal guidance on scrap material contaminated with naturally occurring radioactive materials, so there are complications there." And Allan Richardson of the EPA said, "The EPA doesn't have any regulations that directly tie to the radioactive materials that scrap processors deal with."

Agencies and recyclers recognize the need for standardized response procedures for scrap processors, steel mills, health physics consultants, and government agencies that are confronted with radioactive scrap. "Coordination and communication are still critical areas," Pennsylvania's Yusko said. Together the groups can disperse the information and guidance necessary to make radiation emergencies a rarity.

As the NRC's Lubenau soberly pointed out, "Until such time that these studies, educational programs, and regulatory programs are developed and take effect, the bottom line is that radioactive material in metal scrap will continue to be a problem for the metal scrap industry.”

Steelmet's Fisher concluded by saying, "None of us wants to have the experience that Auburn had, and we don't want to contribute to anything like that. Try to get some detection devices. Buy what you can afford, but buy something. Find out who your regulators are and get in touch with them. And if you do have some radiation, don't be afraid to go to somebody who can at least try to help you. It's better dm sticking your head in the sand." •


Dealing With Radioactive Scrap

A decade ago, few scrap processors had heard of radioactive scrap, but today “hot” scrap is a hot issue, posing serious health and financial dangers to the industry. A recent ReMA seminar concluded that the problems posed by radiated scrap must be solved through cooperation between scrap processors, government regulators, and safety equipment professionals.



On February 21, 1983, Auburn Steel Co. Inc. (Auburn, N.Y.) received a piece of hospital equipment in some of the 1,800 tons of scrap it received that day. The unit was not particularly conspicuous or notable, except that the company's magnet had difficulty picking up the unit's head, which was no larger than a basketball. No one realized that the unit was only sheathed in steel and filled with a lead shielding that contained a significant amount of cobalt-60, a radioactive material.

It was only after the unit had been melted down and incorporated into new steel that the company discovered the radiation contamination. This disaster, which closed Auburn Steel for 28 days and cost $4 million to clean up, was the first publicly documented incident of steel mill contamination from a radiated scrap source. It sent shock waves through the steel and scrap industries, and created a new area of radiation concern--"hot" scrap--that was not addressed by government regulations. All of a sudden, scrap processors started asking what they could do to avoid or respond to radioactive scrap.

Ten panelists grappled with this issue at a "Radioactivity in Scrap Metal" seminar on Sept. 12 in Washington, D.C., organized by the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries (ISRI). Cosponsors of the seminar included the Aluminum Association, the American Iron and Steel Institute, the Ferrous Scrap Consumers Coalition, the Specialty Steel Industry of the United States, and the Steel Manufacturers Association.

The panelists, who represented state and federal regulatory agencies, private consulting firms, and industry members, provided a basic education for the 100-plus attendees and promoted cooperation between industry and government to diminish the threat of radioactive scrap. Though there are no easy answers, the seminar provided essential information to help scrap processors and consumers face this new challenge.

Detection Can Mean Protection

Following the adage "The best offense is a good defense," panelists recommended that scrap processors and consumers purchase some type of radiation detection equipment. William C. Fisher, vice president of U.S. plant operations for Steelmet Inc. (McKeesport, Pa.), asserted, "Those scrap processors who do not put [radiation monitors] in their plants are only kidding themselves, because sooner or later it's going to come back on them."

Anthony LaMastra, a certified health physicist with Health Physics Associates Inc. (Lenhartsville, Pa.), agreed, stating, "The reason for putting a system in is that you're trying to protect your workers and your facility. Understand that you're really buying an insurance policy, and the amount of money that you spend becomes a management decision."

Upper management must totally support any equipment purchase, LaMastra stressed, and be willing to invest in a system with the necessary sensitivity, ensure that the equipment is used properly, and commit trained personnel to maintain the equipment and respond effectively to an alarm. James A. Dacey of Auburn Steel advised attendees that "when you set up a system, you want to make sure that you're not doing it 75 percent or 80 percent--but 100 percent. We monitor everything that goes in and out of our plant--even the vending machine company."

Detection equipment ranges from handheld monitors that cost a few hundred dollars to $300,000-plus units that can detect shielded sources in a pile of scrap. In choosing equipment, LaMastra said, scrap processors must match the detection equipment to their needs, taking into account their budgets, the size of their operations, the types of scrap they process, in what types of vehicles most scrap arrives, what they aim to detect (shielded or unshielded sources), and the weather conditions at their plants.

Desirable features in detectors are high sensitivity, with a low background-radiation pickup and a low false-alarm rate. "If the system keeps alarming," LaMastra pointed out, "it's going to be turned off." To increase a monitor's effectiveness, he recommended surrounding all sides except the front with lead shielding.

Panelists noted the need for governments to establish testing and performance standards for radiation detection equipment to help buyers make wise purchases. Morning panel moderator Joel O. Lubenau, senior project manager for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), responded by noting that "even though we don't have standards for you, we can share some of the techniques that we normally use to assure that the equipment you purchase is performing the way it should."

As a complement to radiation detection equipment, several panelists recommended that scrap recyclers should establish a service contract with a health physics consul ant to provide on-call services in emergency situations. Such professionals can offer vital technical expertise and instruments, said Kevin M. Ramsey, a nuclear safety engineer with the NRC, adding, "They can analyze what's going on and relay information back to us or other regulatory agencies involved." Contact information on these consultants can be found in nuclear buyer's guides.

When the Alarm Sounds

Advance emergency planning is essential to a radiation response plan, panelists advised. Personnel must know what they will do when the alarm sounds. "Develop procedures before you have the system installed," LaMastra noted. "If you don't, you're going to be haggling over them and developing them on the fly.”

Michael S. Peters, environment and energy manager of Structural Metals Inc. (SMI) (Seguin, Texas), said his company has established a standard radiation response plan for most scenarios.

If a detector is triggered, SMI runs the load through again to check for a false alarm. If the alarm does not sound again, the load may proceed. If the alarm sounds a second time, the company notes the radiation reading on the detector. For low-level readings, the load is sorted to locate the contaminated piece, in accordance with a protocol established with Texas. For medium-level readings, the company notifies the state's department of health and asks for guidance. For high-level readings, the company isolates the load, immediately notifies the state, and waits for assistance. In all cases, the scrap supplier is informed of the radiation found in the material.

SMI began monitoring its loads in 1986 and is into its second generation of detection equipment. Since that time, the company has detected radiation in approximately one out of every 1,000 loads. Key to SMI's response plan, Peters pointed out, is contacting the appropriate state and/or federal authorities as needed, taking advantage of their monitoring and assistance roles. Scrap recyclers do not have to confront a radiation problem alone.

Calling In the Government

Once a recycler has detected radioactive scrap, the question remains: What do you do with it?

Steelmet's Fisher observed, "There are still people out there who, when they find out they have a radiation problem, they literally bury it. They're afraid of what's going to happen. They're afraid of calling someone. They're afraid of what it's going to cost them."

There are extensive resources available to them, however, through federal agencies like the NRC, the Department of Transportation (DOT), and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), as well as their state's department of environmental resources and local police and fire departments. Most agency services are paid for by tax dollars and are provided free. "I hate to use the adage 'I'm from the government, I'm here to help you,' but that is the attitude my agency takes," said James G. Yusko of Pennsylvania's Department of Environmental Resources. "If there's a problem, we try to determine what we can do to solve it. And I think that's what you'll find with most of the agencies that respond.”

Afternoon panel moderator Michael E. Wangler, chief of DOT's radioactive materials branch, echoed that sentiment. "We in the federal sector attempt to help you as much as we can. One of the jobs of my group is to provide as much assistance as possible, short of providing 100-percent consulting services to an individual."

The first concern of any state or federal regulatory agency is to control public exposure to the radiation source. Then agencies can:

advise scrap processors by telephone how to respond to a radioactive material; ill send inspectors to the site;

coordinate the efforts of several government agencies;

provide direct surveys and lab analyses;

assist with paperwork;

suggest the proper consultants;

help recyclers decide how to proceed; and

provide exemptions from certain regulations.

The NRC also offers field monitoring, aerial monitoring, and medical assistance.

G. Wayne Kerr of Illinois's Department of Nuclear Safety said that when scrap processors and consumers discover a contamination, they should call their state regulators and describe the event in detail, tell how the material was detected, provide radiation readings (if available), and give the names and contact numbers of all parties involved. Regulatory agencies generally do not actually handle or dispose of radioactive material, but they can assist in arranging for such disposal.

Establishing Guidelines

The Auburn Steel contamination incident surprised everyone, including the government's regulatory agencies, which have been playing a game of regulatory catch-up since 1983. "When this problem first came to light, it really caught the regulatory community off guard," the NRC's Ramsey said. He added that agencies are increasingly having to step beyond their normal monitoring roles into a more active, physical response role.

Radioactive scrap does require regulation, yet no standardized rules have been established as yet. On the transportation front, DOT's Wangler said, "Contaminated scrap presents a bit of a unique situation." Ramsey noted, "Presently there's no formal guidance on scrap material contaminated with naturally occurring radioactive materials, so there are complications there." And Allan Richardson of the EPA said, "The EPA doesn't have any regulations that directly tie to the radioactive materials that scrap processors deal with."

Agencies and recyclers recognize the need for standardized response procedures for scrap processors, steel mills, health physics consultants, and government agencies that are confronted with radioactive scrap. "Coordination and communication are still critical areas," Pennsylvania's Yusko said. Together the groups can disperse the information and guidance necessary to make radiation emergencies a rarity.

As the NRC's Lubenau soberly pointed out, "Until such time that these studies, educational programs, and regulatory programs are developed and take effect, the bottom line is that radioactive material in metal scrap will continue to be a problem for the metal scrap industry.”

Steelmet's Fisher concluded by saying, "None of us wants to have the experience that Auburn had, and we don't want to contribute to anything like that. Try to get some detection devices. Buy what you can afford, but buy something. Find out who your regulators are and get in touch with them. And if you do have some radiation, don't be afraid to go to somebody who can at least try to help you. It's better dm sticking your head in the sand." •



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