January/February 2015
U.S. plastic recycling market faces intriguing challenges—from quality concerns
to terminology battles—and equally compelling possibilities. Plastic recycling
expert Patty Moore tackles 10 questions on the state of the market.
U.S. plastic recycling market has a little something for everyone: success
stories (bottle recycling), tough cases (EPS and PVC, to name two), domestic
drama (bans on plastic bags and EPS), international intrigue (China’s Green
Fence initiative), emerging markets (film and nonbottle rigids), technological
developments (advanced sorting, in particular), and more. It’s a dynamic sector
with many moving parts, which can make it difficult to understand.
Patty Moore has made recycling her professional
focus and plastic recycling her specialty ever since she started in the field
in 1983 as director of the Wilton Recycling Center (Wilton, N.H.). Now the
principal of Moore Recycling Associates (Sonoma, Calif.), a 12-person consulting
firm, Moore has conducted numerous studies and led other projects for U.S.
plastics recycling organizations such as the plastics division of the American
Chemistry Council (Washington, D.C.), the Association of Postconsumer Plastic
Recyclers (also in Washington), and the National Association for PET Container
Resources (Florence, Ky.). She also serves as executive director of the Plastic
Recycling Corp. of California (Sonoma, Calif.), for which she has worked since
1993. In this, the first installment of Scrap’s new “Think Tank” feature, Moore
answers 10 questions on U.S. plastic recycling trends and challenges.
The overall U.S.
plastic recycling rate was about 9 percent in 2012 based on U.S. EPA figures.
What are the biggest obstacles to increasing that rate? There are two points
to consider here: One, the rate probably is much higher. Unlike the rates for
paper and metals, the plastic recycling rate does not include industrial
plastic recycling. A significant part of that category is really postcommercial
material: plastic recovered from commercial operations—for example, transport
packaging such as crates and single-use containers. Since that material has met
its intended use, it meets the definition of postconsumer recycling, but we
don’t document it as such.
Two, there are many steps that could be taken
to increase the amount of plastic that’s recycled. The biggest obstacles relate
to the lack of optimal infrastructure across the whole chain of collection,
sorting, reclamation, and sale of the final recycled product. Quality is one
challenge that affects every stage. The supply and demand balance is
problematic in terms of regionalization and consistency. By that, I mean that
supply is in highly populated areas, but demand often is elsewhere, in places
with a lower cost of doing business. Also, supply and demand are inconsistent
in terms of volume in that both can be seasonal, and their seasons don’t
necessarily match.
There also are few long-term contracts in this
business. Without signed supply agreements, it’s difficult for companies to
invest in the needed infrastructure; and without such investment, we can’t
improve the quality issues. Some folks have told me they’re willing to sign a
supply agreement, but to do so they need an accurate pricing index.
Unfortunately, at this time there’s no reliable index for recycled plastic.
This has led to odd pricing situations, such as when postconsumer resin is
priced higher than virgin resin. In the long term, I don’t believe it’s healthy
for PCR to be valued higher than virgin resin, as that discourages a commitment
to use PCR. Without that long-term commitment there will be no investment in
infrastructure, and quality will not improve. Do you see a circle forming here?
Properly funded systems lead to optimal collection, processing, and end use.
Which plastics are the
success stories in terms of their recycling, which are the underperformers, and
The undocumented recycling of postcommercial plastics is probably the true
star, but for household plastics, PET and HDPE bottles have the most robust
collection and processing system. Those are the products that started household
plastic recycling, and they’re the first plastics that were commonly included
in curbside recycling programs. In fact, a significant majority of U.S.
residents have access to recycling those two plastics. They were the first
because they offered enough identifiable supply—to the public and processors—to
make them worth recycling; the technology existed to cost-effectively convert
the supply into profitable new products; and there was enough funding to make
the entire system work. PET recycling worked because deposit programs generated
a clean, consistent supply; HDPE recycling succeeded because the milk jug is so
visible, relatively simple to clean, and has many potential end-use markets.
Ironically, these two materials also are the biggest underperformers. Given
Americans’ high level of access to PET and HDPE collection opportunities, they
should be recycled at much higher levels. That isn’t the case due to public
confusion and apathy and an infrastructure that doesn’t always lead to their
What are the greatest
points of confusion and/or apathy about plastic recycling? How can those be
Unfortunately, plastic recycling has grown rapidly and without a historical
foundation, resulting in regional differences and differing outreach
terminology. Nearly every collection program uses a unique set of words to
describe which plastics it accepts. A common national—or at least regional—set
of materials collected would go a long way toward reducing confusion, which
leads to apathy. Another factor that leads to apathy is the small but vocal set
of critics who believe recycling isn’t worthwhile. Their condemnation has added
doubt and discourages people from recycling.
The use of the resin identification code—the 1
to 7 code in the recycling triangle—in consumer education also discourages
people from recycling plastic products because they think they need to check
every single piece to see if it has a number. Some plastic collection programs
might find the RICs helpful for identifying specific resins for inclusion or
exclusion, but my company’s research has determined that a significant majority
of programs collect categories of plastic materials without using
resin-specific details, such as “all bottles and containers.” (Visit
www.recycleyourplastics.org/termsandtools for more information.) Current industry
initiatives focus on increasing the collection of plastic film, rigid plastics,
and EPS, all of which have low recovery rates. Are these simply industry
responses to bans or potential bans, or is there sufficient demand for these
materials to warrant increased efforts to collect them? What success have these
initiatives had to date? There are some successful efforts under way to increase the
recovery of film, nonbottle rigid plastics, and EPS. Yes, fear of a ban or of
deselection—when an individual or company decides not to use a product based on
a given factor—might fuel some of these efforts, but they are substantive
The APR created its Rigid Plastics Recycling
Program to increase the recycling rate of rigid plastics beyond bottles.
Over the past four years, the group has conducted a national rigid
plastics bale audit, launched a grocery store rigid plastics recovery
program, and drafted model bale specifications for rigid plastics. These and
other steps are removing barriers to and increasing confidence in successful
recycling of nonbottle rigid plastics.
On plastic film recycling, the ACC’s Flexible
Film Recycling Group developed the Wrap Recycling Action Program, or WRAP, to
increase film recycling, starting in Wisconsin. Since June 2013, that program
has expanded commercial access to film recycling 53 percent by area in Wisconsin,
doubled the number of Wisconsin-based recyclers listed in the Film Recycler
Directory on www.plasticfilmrecycling.org, increased the number of Wisconsin
drop-off locations listed in the Film Recycler Directory by 88 percent,
launched three commercial pilot programs, and advanced two awareness campaigns
to pre-launch mode. Approximately 85 percent of WisconÂsin’s population now has
access to film recycling.
On the national level, the group is working
with Simon Property Group (Indianapolis) to grow film recycling at malls and
has partnered with three major retail chains to conduct pilots to test WRAP
signage. The goal is to double film recycling from the current 1 billion pounds
a year to 2 billion pounds by 2020. (For a variety of tools for promoting film
recycling, visit www.plasticfilmrecycling.org.)
Regarding EPS, Dart Container Corp. (Mason,
Mich.) has made an almost single-handed effort to increase recycling of that
material. In 2012 it recycled more than 1.5 million pounds of postconsumer EPS.
That company helped develop new technology that reduced the labor required to
recycle EPS in MRFs, reducing the footprint required to install the equipment
and allowing mixed densities of foam in the same stream. As a result, Dart is
helping to make EPS recycling more efficient and breaking down barriers against
including EPS in curbside collection programs.
Are bans on plastic
products such as EPS and plastic bags detrimental to efforts to increase the
recycling of those materials? Why or why not? Certainly they are detrimental. Bag
bans, for instance, can reduce the number of retailer locations that accept
bags, wraps, and film for recycling. Without those retail drop-offs, where will
residents recycle all the overwrap on cases of toilet paper and water bottles,
not to mention bags from dry cleaning, bread, and newspapers? This is even more
important since bags, wraps, and film in curbside collections pose problems for
MRFs—particularly by wrapping around the paper-sorting equipment—and the low
quality of the recovered film makes it difficult to sell.
EPS bans likewise reduce the potential volume
of material that can be recycled. As with plastic film, there are EPS materials
we need to get recycled that are not part of the bans, such as protective
packaging around electronics products and other large consumer goods. ISRI members are
increasingly concerned about municipal collections in a one-bin system where
the waste—and contaminated recyclables—might be burned for fuel. Is burning
plastics for fuel a complement to recycling, or does it compete with recycling? It’s a well-founded
concern. To finance the cost of a waste-to-energy plant, communities often are
asked to sign “put-or-pay” contracts in which they must provide a minimum
amount of waste each day, week, or month. Such contracts definitely discourage
recycling, especially since the amount of waste each American generates each
year is dropping. In addition, the volume and types of materials we can
cost-effectively recycle continue to grow. Both of these trends make it
difficult to correctly size a waste-to-energy plant. Collecting recyclables and
nonrecyclables together creates further disincentives to recycling—most notably
paper recycling—due to contamination that adds significant cost to recovery systems,
making recycling appear less financially desirable. That said, I believe
there’s a place for energy recovery as one of the waste management tools; it
just has to be carefully managed as a complement rather than competition to
Plastics packaging
design that does not consider recycling has created a variety of problems for
the industry. What can be done to make Design for Recycling® a bigger part of
the packaging design process? There’s an unfortunate disconnect between the
desire to recycle and the desire to sell more products. It boils down to a need
to educate product and package designers about what works—and what doesn’t
work—for recycling. In addition, retailers need to continue to put pressure on
their suppliers to provide products that are designed for recycling and that
contain postconsumer resin.
Beyond packaging
design, what do plastics recyclers say are other challenges to their ongoing
Bale quality is an ongoing issue. The fact that there’s far more demand than
supply for most recycled plastic commodities has led to a reduction in quality.
China’s Green Fence initiative last year focused greater attention on quality,
but as long as MRF operators have buyers willing to purchase bales with
contamination, we’re unlikely to see dramatic change. Quality is especially
problematic for mixed-resin rigid bales because of the lack of a definition for
that product and lack of consistency. Ratios of plastic types can change
dramatically from supplier to supplier and even over time from the same
supplier. This makes it very hard to design a system to handle the material and
makes it difficult to properly value such bales. My company has noted a trend
in which higher-quality materials garner a better price, but MRF operators need
to weigh the higher selling price against their costs to generate
higher-quality bales and the cost of handling and disposing of the residual
material culled from those bales.
Reclaimers also complain that their customers
expect significant, unrealistic cost savings when they buy PCR compared with
virgin resin and have challenging requirements for light-color recycled resin,
which adds sorting and processing costs for reclaimers and leaves them with
concentrated streams of dark plastics with a lower value, which can be more
difficult to sell. Plus, reclaimers and MRFs note that plastic processing
equipment to date has been designed to recover plastic bottles, which doesn’t
always work successfully to sort and process the growing stream of nonbottle
material. China’s Green Fence
initiative in 2013 focused a light on the quality of exported recovered
plastics. What were the pros and cons of that initiative for the U.S. plastics
recycling industry?
As noted, Green Fence helped raise awareness about the issue of quality. The
quality requirements China imposed accelerated the trend away from exports and
toward domestic markets for U.S. scrap plastics. Although it was difficult and
costly for MRFs to adjust their processes to improve quality, on the whole most
people in the recycling industry agree that Green Fence was an important
wake-up call.
Nine European countries
already ban the landfilling of postconsumer plastics and recover more than 90
percent of the material for recycling or energy. Can the United States hope to
achieve a high plastic recycling rate without some sort of landfill ban, EPR
scheme, or national bottle bill? The United States can’t expect to achieve high
recycling rates without substantive public policy initiatives. Recycling is a
national priority in every part of the world that has high recycling rates. As
a start, recycling should be mandatory and harmonized across jurisdictions.