Two-Week Countdown to Safety Stand Down Week

Jul 29, 2024, 14:10 PM
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ReMA News Staff
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Are you ready to celebrate safety? The Recycled Materials Association’s (ReMA) annual Safety Stand Down Week is just around the corner. From August 12 – 16, in conjunction with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) Safe + Sound Week, the recycled materials industry will come together to review best safety practices at member facilities. The goal is simple: proactively identify and manage workplace hazards before they cause injury or illness.

How to Participate

  1. Set aside time during Safety Stand Down Week each day to meet with your team for a tailgate talk.
  2. Follow ReMA on LinkedIn for a daily video to share with your team.
  3. Start a conversation with your team about what they saw in the video.

PLUS: Keep an eye out for bonus printouts that you can use at your facility.

Some of the ways ReMA members have celebrated Safety Stand-Down Day include:

  • Holding a training class;
  • Conducting blind spot drills around mobile equipment;
  • Reviewing near misses and other potentially serious injuries that may have happened in the work environment; and
  • Holding open forums with employees to discuss ways to continuously improve the health and safety program (seek input and buy-in).

Connect with the Industry

Share photos of your team participating in Safety Stand Down Week and tag ReMA in your post. By working together, we can help keep our employees safe. Remember, do it safely or not at all.

Looking for safety resources or have a safety question? Check out ReMA’s website, or contact ReMA’s Director of Safety Outreach, Dr. Ryan Nolte, at

Are you ready to celebrate safety? The Recycled Materials Association’s (ReMA) annual Safety Stand Down...
  • Featured
  • Safety

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