WEB Resource Guide

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March/April 2000 

It’s an e-world out there. The e- prefix is fast-displacing the Mc of McDonald’s fame as the most-used buzz term, preceding everything with anything to do with the World Wide Web.
   And no wonder. The Internet is truly revolutionizing commerce—both business-to-business and consumer-to-business. 
   Listen to William Schrader, founder, chairman, and CEO of PSINet Inc. (Herndon, Va.), who said in the Washington Post, “My prediction is that 80 percent of commerce from business to business and business to consumers in four years is totally dependent on the Internet, either in the pre-sales marketing cycle, the actual selling and transaction support, or the post-transaction customer interaction. Statistically, I think it’ll be all of them.”
   As Schrader continues, “If you don’t have an Internet environment and you’re in commerce—and who isn’t in commerce—then you aren’t in business anymore.” 
   For evidence of just how far the Internet has influenced the scrap recycling business and related industries, look no further than the Web addresses in this resource list. And scores more are being added every day. So, happy surfing, and may the (Internet) force be with you.

A&B Recycling Inc.: www.a-brecyclinginc.com
ALBRE Alluminio Bresciano S.r.l.: www.albre.it
B. Abrams & Sons Inc.: www.b-abrams.com
Absolute Auto: www.absoluteautotruck.com
Acme Refining Scrap Iron & Metal: www.acmescrap.com
Adams Steel: www.adamssteel.com
Admetco Inc.: www.admetco.com
Alcoa Recycling Co. Inc./Alcoa Metal Sales & Trading: www.alcoa.com
All Container Recovery: www.recyclemetal.com
Allied Metal Co.: www.alliedmetalcompany.com
Allied Scrap Processors Inc.: www.lakeland.net/~allied/
Allied Vista Inc.: www.vistafibers.com
Alpert & Alpert Iron & Metal Inc.: www.alpertandalpert.com
Altek International Inc.: www.altek-dross.com
Aluminum Recovery Technologies Inc.: www.aluminumrt.com
American Iron & Metal Co. Inc.: www.scrapmetal.net
American Iron & Supply Co.: www.scrappy.com
American Rubber Technologies Inc.: www.americanrubber.com
American Trading Co. Inc.: www.amtinet.com
Annaco Inc.: www.annaco.com
Ansam Metals Corp.: www.ansammetals.com
Atlantic Stainless Co. Inc.: www.thomasregister.com/olc/atlanticstainless
Atlas Recycling/Atlas Auto Crushers: www.youngstowniron.com/atlas.htm
Beaver Metals: www.netkonect.co.uk/~metals
Behr Alloys Inc.: www.metalprices.com
Belmont Metals Inc.: www.belmontmetals.com
Belmont Trading Co.: www.belmont-trading.com
BellSouth Investment Recovery: www.bellsouth.com/ir
Belson Scrap & Steel: www.belsonscrap.com
Blaze Recycling & Metals Inc.: www.blazerecycling.com
Bodner Metal & Iron Corp.: www.bmicorp.com
Calbag Metals Co.: www.calbag.com
California Metal-X: www.cmxmetals.com
Cambridge Iron & Metal Co. Inc.: www.cambridgeiron.com
Chem-Ecol Ltd.: www.chem-ecol.com
Cinelli Iron and Metal Co. Inc.: www.cinelli-iron-metal.com
City Carton Co. Inc.: www.citycarton.com
Louis Cohen & Son Inc.: nepaonline.com/louiscohen
Commercial Alloys Corp.: www.aluminumscrap.com
Commercial Metals Co.: www.commercialmetals.com
Complex Metals Inc.: www.compu-cycle.com
Connecticut Metal Industries Inc.: www.recyclemetal.com
Consumers Recycling Inc.: www.consumersrecycling.com
Copper and Brass Sales Inc.: www.copperandbrass.com
Cozzi Iron & Metal Inc.: www.cimscrap.com
Cronimet Corp.: www.cronimet.com
DK Trading Corp.: www.dktrading.com
DMC Recycling Inc.: www.dmcrecycling.com
Davis Industries Inc.: www.davisindustries.com
Decco Alloys Inc.: members.aol.com/deccoalloy/index.html
Delco Metals Inc.: www.delcometals.com
Delmarva Recycling Inc./HD Metal Co.: www.sbysteel.com
Denova Jern & Metal: www.denova.dk
Donco Paper Supply Co., Ramblin Corp., 
Ohio Pulp Mills Inc., and Poly Recyclers Inc.: www.doncopaper.com
ECS Refining: www.ecsrefining.com
ELG Metals Inc.: www.elgmetals.com
ELG Haniel Metals Ltd.: www.elg.co.uk
Earth Protection Services Inc.: www.earthpro.com
Eastern Alloys Inc.: www.eazall.com
Eastern Smelting & Refining Corp.: www.eastern-smelting.com
Ekco Metals: www.expresspages.com/e/ekcometals
Enco Co. Ltd.: www.enco.co.kr
Jack Engle & Co.: www.jackengleco.com
Fabeva Group: www.scrap.com.mx
Federal Metal Co.: www.federalmetal.com
Fiber Resource Group Inc.: www.tfrg.com
Flina GmbH: www.flina.com
Franklin Iron & Metal Co. Inc.: www.frankliniron-metalbc.com
Franklin Metal Trading Corp.: www.franklincompanies.com
Joseph Freedman Co. Inc.: www.josephfreedmanco.com
Friedman Metals Brokerage Co.: members.aol.com/imscrapman
G&T Trading International Corp.: www.gttrading.com
Gachman Metals & Recycling Co.: www.gachman.com
Galway Metal Co. Ltd.: homepage.tinet.ie/~galwaymetal/index.htm
Giordano Recycling Corp.: www.giordanorecycling.com
Glantz Iron and Metals Inc.: www.glantzmetals.com
Global Recycling Market S.A. de C.V.: www.gblmkt.com
Global Titanium Inc.: www.globaltitanium.com
Goldsmith Group Inc.: www.goldsmithgroup.com
Greenfield Recycling Co. L.L.C.: www.gfldrecy.com
D.H. Griffin Wrecking Co. Inc.: www.dhgriffin.com
Gulf Coast Fibres Inc.: www.gulfcoastfibres.com
HIMCO: www.localweb.net/himco
Handy & Harman Refining Group Inc.: www.handy.com
Hanover Metal Co. Inc.: www.hanovermetal.com
Harding Metals Inc.: www.hardingmetals.com
Heckett MultiServ: www.heckettmultiserv.com
H. Hirschfield Sons Co.: www.hirschfield.com
House of Metals Co. Ltd.: www.houseofmetals.com
Hummelstein Iron & Metal Inc.: www.him.com
Hugo-Neu Proler Co.: www.hnpc.com
IMCO Recycling Inc.: www.imcorecycling.com
IMS Recycling Services Inc.: www.cpmfg.com
Industrial Services of America Inc.: www.isa-Inc.com
International Alloys Inc.: www.scraptrader.com
International Global Metals Inc.: www.igmetals.com
International Shipbreaking Ltd. L.L.C.: www.shipbreaking.com
David J. Joseph Co.: www.djj.com
P. Kay Metal Supply Inc.: www.pkaymetal.com
Keywell L.L.C.: www.keywell.com
Kimco Steel Sales Ltd.: www.kimcosteel.com
Kinsbursky Brothers Inc.: www.kinsbursky.com
Perry H. Koplik & Sons Inc.: www.koplik.com
Edw. C. Levy Co.: www.edwclevy.com
Lincoln Metal Processing Co. Inc.: www.erie.net/~recycle
Linn Paper Stock Co.: www.mev.net/linnpaper
Lopez Scrap Metal Inc.: www.lopezscrapmetal.com
Los Angeles Scrap Iron & Metal: www.lascrap.com
Luria Brothers: www.luriabrothers.com
MacLeod Group: home.earthlink.net/~macleodgroup
Macon Iron & Paper Stock Co. Inc.: www.thescrapmarket.com
Manitoba Corp.: www.manitobacorp.com
Manufacturing Sciences Corp.: www.mfgsci.com
Markovits & Fox: www.metalrecycling.com
Mars Industries Inc.: www.marsindustries.com
Martin Metals Inc.: www.martinmetals.com
Mercer Wrecking Recycling Corp.: www.mpeinc.com
Mervis Industries Inc.: www.mervis.com
Metalcorp Recyclers Pty. Ltd.: www.metalcorpsteel.com.au
Metalico Inc.: www.metalico.com
Metech International Inc.: www.metech-arm.com
Metro Alloys Inc.: www.metroalloysinc.com
Metro Group: www.metro-grp.com
Metro Salvage: www.metrosalvage.com
Micro Metallics Corp. Inc.: www.micrometallics.com
Miller Recycling Corp.: www.millerrecycling.com
Mississippi River Recycling: www.bayousteel.com
Monico Alloys Inc.: www.monicoalloys.com
Wm. Murphy Demolition & Salvage Co.: www.murphydemo.com
National Compressed Steel Corp.: www.ncsteel.com
National Recycling Corp.: www.nationalrecycling.com
Newark Group: www.newarkgroup.com
Newco Metals Inc.: www.newcometals.com
Noranda Inc.: www.noranda.com
Northeast Metal Traders Inc.: metaltrader.com
Owsley & Sons Inc.: www.owsleyandsons.com
P&W Industries Inc.: www.pandwindustries.com
PK Metals: www.pk-metals.com
PM Recovery Inc.: www.pmrecovery.com
Pacific Iron & Metal Co.: members.aol.com/Paciron/Default.htm
Pacific Metals Ltd.: www.pacificmetals.bc.ca
Louis Padnos Iron & Metal Co.: www.padnos.com
Park Corp.: www.parkcorp.com
Parkans International L.L.C.: www.parkans.com
Peltz Group Inc.: www.peltzgroup.com
Philip Metals Inc.: www.luriabrothers.com
Philip Services Corp.: www.philipinc.com
Plast-Ex International Inc.: www.plast-ex.com
PlastiCycle Corp.: www.plasticycle.com
Mayer Pollock Steel Corp./Phoenixville Scrap Co.: www.mayerpollock.com
Polychem USA: www.polychem-usa.com
Powercom Services: www.powercomservices.com
Morgan Price & Co. Inc.: www.morganpriceco.com
Pyromet Alloys Inc.: www.pyromet.com
Ramm Metals Inc.: www.rammglobal.com
William Reisner Corp.: www.reisner.com
Reynolds Metals Co.: www.rmc.com
Roba Metals Ltd.: www.robametals.com
SNF/Québec Métal Recyclé Inc.: www.snf.ca
S&R Enterprises: www.aldross.com
Scepter Inc.: www.scepterinc.com
Scrap-All Inc.: www.scrapall.com
Scrapexchange.com: www.scrapexchange.com
Severnside Waste Paper Ltd.: www.severnside.com
Shelmet Corp.: www.shelmet.com
Sigma International Inc./Sigma Brothers Inc.: www.sigmacorp.com
Simsmetal America: www.simsmetal.com
Simsmetal Ltd.: www.simsmetal.com.au
Sipi Metals Corp.: www.sipimetals.com
Skagit River Steel & Recycling Inc.: www.skagitriversteel.com
S. Slesnick Co. Inc.: www.slesnick.com
Smurfit Recycling Co—Multi-Materials Sales Group: www.j-src.com/mms
Snyder Group/Assad Iron & Metals Inc./Neville Metals: www.snydergroup.com
Stalloy Metals Inc.: www.stalloy.com
Stanley Metal Assocs.: www.websg.com/stanley
Syracuse Supply Co.: www.syrsup.com
TXI Star Recycling: www.starrecycling.com
Tri-Star Aluminum Inc.: www.tsaluminum.com
Tung Tai Trading Corp.: www.tungtai.com
United Recycling Services: www.unitedrecycling.com
United Scrap Metal Inc.: www.unitedscrap.com
Universal Metal Corp.: www.universalmetal.com
Universal Scrap Metals Inc.: www.universalscrap.com
Vista Metals Corp.: www.vistametals.com
Wallace Industries Inc.: www.wallaceind.com
Waste Management Materials Marketing: www.wastemanagement.com/recycle
Wise Metals Co. Inc.: www.wisemetals.com
Rudolf Wolff & Co. Ltd.: www.rwolff.com
Yonack Iron & Metal Co.: www.yonack.com
Youngstown Iron & Metal Inc.: www.youngstowniron.com
Zalev Bros. Ltd.: www.zalev.com 

AK Steel Corp.: www.aksteel.com
Alcan Aluminium Ltd.: www.alcan.com
Alcoa Inc.: www.alcoa.com
Allegheny Ludlum Corp : www.alleghenyludlum.com
Allegheny Technologies Inc.: www.alleghenytechnologies.com
Aluminum Shapes L.L.C.: www.shapesllc.com
Auburn Steel Co. Inc./Austeel Lemont Co. Inc.: www.austeel.com
Bayou Steel Corp.: www.bayousteel.com
Bethlehem Steel Corp.: www.bethsteel.com
Cerro Copper Products Co.: www.cerro.com
Cerro Copper Tube Co.: www.cerrocoppertube.com
Chaparral Steel Co.: www.txi.com/steel
Chase Brass & Copper Co. Inc.: www.chasebrass.com
Chemetco Inc.: www.chemetco-inc.com
Commonwealth Aluminum Corp.: www.cacky.com
Consolidated Papers Inc.: www.consolidatedpapers.com
Doe Run Co.: www.doerun.com
Easco Aluminum: www.eascoaluminum.com
Eaton Steel Corp.: www.eatonsteel.com
Engelhard Corp.: www.engelhard.com
Ford Motor Co.: www.ford.com
GE Plastics: www.geplastics.com
GNB Technologies Inc.: www.gnb.com
Grupo Mexico S.A. de C.V.: www.gmexico.com
Impexmetal S.A.: www.impexmetal.com.pl
Ipsco Inc.: www.ipsco.com
J&L Specialty Steel Inc.: www.jlspecialty.com
Johnson Matthey Plc: www.matthey.com
Jupiter Aluminum Corp.: www.jupiteraluminum.com
KBM Affilips BV: www.kbmaffilips.com
LTV Corp.: www.ltvsteel.com
London & Scandinavian Metallurgical Co. Ltd.: www.lsm.co.uk
Marcal Paper Mills Inc.: www.marcalpaper.com
Metallgesellschaft Ltd.: www.mgltd.co.uk
National Steel Corp.: www.nationalsteel.com
Nippon Steel Corp.: www.nsc.co.jp
Nucor Corp.: www.nucor.com
Old Bridge Chemicals Inc.: www.oldbridgechem.com
Ormet Corp.: www.ormet.com
Owens Corning: www.owenscorning.com
Peninsula Copper Industries Inc.: www.pencopper.com
Precious Metal Industries Group Ltd.: www.pmigroup.co.uk
RSR Corp./Quemetco Inc./Revere Smelting & Refining Corp.: www.rsrcorporation.com
SMI Steel Inc.: www.smi-birmingham.com
St. Laurent Paperboard Inc.: www.stlaurent.com
I. Schumann & Co.: www.ischumann.com
Southwire Co.: www.southwire.com
Sumitomo Corp.: www.sumitomocorp.co.jp
Timco: www.tst-inc.com
Timken Co.: www.timken.com
Titanium Metals Corp.: www.timet.com
Trex Co. L.L.C.: www.trex.com
USS POSCO Industries: www.ussposco.com
Wabash Alloys L.L.C.: www.wabashalloys.com
Weirton Steel Corp.: www.weirton.com
Weyerhaeuser Co.: www.weyerhaeuser.com
Wise Metals Group L.L.C.: www.wisemetals.com
Xpotential Products Inc.: www.xpotentialproducts.com 

Equipment & Service Vendors/Consultants 
A&D Weighing Equipment/Service Vendors: www.andweighing.com
A and A Magnetics Inc.: www.aamag.com
AIS Construction Equipment Co.: www.aisequip.com
Abresist Corp.: www.abresist.com
Advance Lifts Inc.: www.advancelifts.com
Air Products and Chemicals Inc.: www.airproducts.com
Air Technical Industries: www.airtechnical.com
Al-jon Inc.: www.aljon.com
All Metal Designs Inc.: www.allmetal.com
Allied-Gator Inc.: www.alliedgator.com
Altek International Inc.: www.altek-dross.com
Amazing Recycled Products Inc.: www.amazingrecycled.com
Ameri-Shred Corp.: www.ameri-shred.com
American Baler Co.: www.americanbaler.com
American Commercial Barge Line: www.acbl.net
American Pulverizer Co.: www.ampulverizer.com
American State Equipment Inc.: www.amstate.com
Ameri-Shred Corp.: www.ameri-shred.com
Amulet Manufacturing Co.: www.amuletmfg.com
Andela Tool & Machine Inc.: www.recycle.net/andela
Anvil Attachments: www.dsmfg.com
Apex Welding Inc.: www.thomasregister.com/apexwelding
Arun Technology Inc.: www.aruntechnology.com
Asoma Instruments Inc.: www.asoma.com
Atlas Cos.: www.atlaslift.com
Austin Heavy Equipment: www.austinheavy.com
Automated Waste Equipment Co. Inc.: www.americanrolloff.com
Avon Bearings: www.avonbearings.com
B.E.S.T. Inc.: www.bestvibes.com
BOC Gases: www.boc.com
Barko Hydraulics L.L.C.: www.barko.com
Barrett Centrifugals Inc.: www.barrettinc.com
Bartlett Lifting Devices: www.bartlett5thwheel.com
Bauer Welding & Metal Fabricators Inc.: www.bauerweld.com
Benlee Inc.: www.benlee.com
Bes-Pac Inc.: www.bespac.com
Best Manufacturing Co.: www.bestglove.com
Bicron NE: www.bicron.com
Binder Machinery Co.: www.bindermachinery.com
Boa Systems USA L.L.C.: www.boasystemsusa.com
Bollegraaf Recycling Machinery: www.bollegraaf.com
Tony Branch Associates: www.tecweb.com/tba/branch.htm
Brown Plastics Machinery L.L.C.: www.john-brown-plastics.com 
Bryant Products Inc.: www.bryantpro.com
Bucks Fabricating: www.nauticom.net/www/bucks
Bulk Handling Systems Inc.: www.bulkhandlingsystems.com
CB Manufacturing & Sales Co. Inc.: www.cbmfg.com
CM Cos.: www.cmcompanies.com
CNA Insurance Cos.: www.cna.com
CNH Global N.V.: www.cnh.com
CP Manufacturing Inc.: www.cpmfg.com
CSX Transportation: www.csxt.com
Camp Dresser & McKee: www.cdm.com
Canadian National Railway Co.: www.cn.ca
Cardinal Scale Manufacturing Co.: www.cardet.com
Carlisle Equipment Group L.P.: www.carlisleinc.com
Carpco Inc.: www.carpco.com
Case Corp.: www.casecorp.com
Caterpillar Inc.: www.cat.com 
Caterpillar Lift Trucks: www.cat-lift.com
Chip Systems International: www.chipsystemsintl.com
Church & Dwight Co. Inc./Armex Cleaning and Coating Removal Systems: www.armex.com
Claire Enterprises Ltd.: www.callshaughnessy.com
Clark Material Handling Co.: www.clarkmhc.com
Cleating Resources: www.cleatingresources.com
Clement Industries Inc.: www.clementind.com
Clifton Steel Co.: www.cliftonsteel.com
Cognex Corp.: www.cognex.com
Columbia Steel Casting Co. Inc.: www.columbiasteel.com
Columbus McKinnon Corp.: www.cmworks.com
Continental Biomass Industries Inc.:www.cbi-inc.com
Continental Equipment Co. L.P.: www.thenewcontinental.com
Continental Placer Inc.: www.continentalplacer.com
Cover-All Building Systems: www.coverall.net
Crane & Machinery Inc.: www.cmcompanies.com
Creanova Inc.: www.creanovainc.com
Crown Equipment Corp.: www.crown.com
Cumberland Recycling Systems: www.plasticsnet.com/cumberland
Cyber Listing Corp.: www.plasticeqlist.com
Daewoo Heavy Industries America Corp.: www.dhiac.com
Dansteel Engineering A/S: www.dansteel-engineering.dk
Data Transmission Network: www.dtnstant.com
Deere & Co.: www.deere.com
Delta Star Electric Inc.: www.dstar.com
Dens-A-Can International: www.densacan.com
Diamond Electronics Inc.: www.diamondelectronics.com
Diamond Z Manufacturing: www.diamondz.com
DoAll Co.: www.doall.com
DocuPro Inc.: www.fxalert.com
Dover Conveyor & Equipment Co. Inc.: web.tusco.net/dce 
Down Stream Systems Inc.: www.downstreamsystems.com
Dura Products International Inc./Dura Skid Inc.: www.duraproducts.com
Durline Scales & Manufacturing: www.durline.com
Dykon: www.dykon-blasting.com
E-Commerce Portal: www.ec-portal.com
ERS Industries Inc.: www.ersindustries.com
ESCO Corp.: www.escocorp.com
Eagle International Software: www.metalinfo.com
Eastern Wire Products: www.eastern-wire.com
Eberline Instruments: www.eberlineinst.com
eLights Direct: www.elights.com
Ely Enterprises Inc.: www.elyent.com
Enco Manufacturing: www.use-enco.com
Enterprise Co.: www.enterpriseco.com
Eriez Magnetics: www.eriez.com
Europarts Maschinenbau GmbH: www.europarts.de
Excel Manufacturing: www.excelmfg.com
Femco Machine Co.: www.manitowoc.com/femco/scrap.html
Fibrex Group Inc.: www.fibrexgroup.com
Flexible Steel Lacing Co.: www.flexco.com
Four Lakes Business Systems Inc.: www.flbs.com
Frenkel & Co. Inc.: www.frenkel.com
Fuchs-Bagger GmbH & Co.: www.schaeff.com/fuchs
GE Capital Railcar Services: www.ge.com/capital/rail/
Gabriel International Group: www.gabriel-int.com
GageTek: www.gagetek.com
Galbreath Inc.: www.galbreath-inc.com
Gateway Safety Inc.: www.gatewayamsafe.com
Gehl Co.: www.gehl.com
Geith Inc.: www.geith.com
Genesis Equipment & Manufacturing Inc.: www.genesis-manuf.com
Gensco Equipment Co.: www.genscoequip.com/gensco
Geomatrix Consultants Inc.: www.geomatrix.com
Global Commercial Credit L.L.C.: www.gccrisk.com
Global Equipment Marketing Inc., Magnetics Division: www.globalmagnetics.com
Global InterMark Corp.: www.gicnet.com
GoPro Underwriting Managers Inc.: www.gopro.com
Goudsmit Magnetic Systems: www.goudsmit-magnetics.nl
Grace Industries Inc.: www.gracesales.com
W.W. Grainger Inc.: www.grainger.com
Gray Machinery Co.: www.graymachinery.com
Jack Gray Transport Inc.: www.jackgray.com
H&R Construction Parts and Equipment: www.hrparts.com
HRP Associates Inc.: www.hrpassoc.com
Hägglunds Drives Inc.: www.hagglunds.com
Hardy Instruments: www.hardyinst.com
Harmony Enterprises Inc.: www.harmony1.com
Harris Press & Shear: www.harriswaste.com
Hawco Industries L.L.C.: www.hawcomfg.com
Heavyquip/Crawler Parts Inc.: www.heavyquip.com
Hi-Rise Recycling Systems Inc.: www.hiri.com
Hoffman Equipment Co. Inc.: www.hoffmanequip.com
Holt Co. of Ohio: www.holtohio.com
Hornell Speedglas Inc.: www.speedglas.com
Horst Sprenger GmbH: www.horst-sprenger.com
Hubbell Industrial Controls Inc.: www.hubbell-icd.com
Hustler Conveyor Co.: www.hustler-conveyor.com
Hylsa S.A. de C.V.: www.hylsamex.com.mx
ITAC Systems Inc.: www.mousetrak.com
Industrial Magnetics Inc.: www.magnetics.com
Industrial Paper Shredders: www.industrialshredders.com
Industrial Resource Network/“Power Sourcing”: www.powersourcing.com
InfoSight Corp.: www.infosight.com
International Baler Corp.: www.waste-tech.com
International Press & Shear Corp.: www.ips-baler.com
Intersource Recovery Systems Inc.: www.inter-source.com
J.V. Manufacturing Inc.: www.cram-a-lot.com
Johnstown America Corp.: www.johnstownamerica.com
Jost AG Heimberg: www.jostheimberg.ch
Jupiter Transport Services: www.jupitertransport.com
Kappler Protective Apparel & Fabrics: www.kappler.com
Alfred Kärcher Inc. USA: www.karcher.de/index.html
Katec Inc.: www.aerosolv.com
Kendziorski Environmental Services Inc.: www.kesstorm.com
King Safety Products: www.kingsafety.com
Kirkpatrick & O’Donnell Construction Equipment Co.: www.koequip.com
Klarmann & Partner GmbH: www.k-p.com
Kobelco America Inc.: www.kobelcoamerica.com
Komar Industries Inc.: www.komarindustries.com
Komatsu America International Co.: www.komatsuamerica.com
Kraft Power Systems: www.kraftpower.com
Kvaerner Metals: www.kvaerner.com
LMC International/Deister: www.lmcinternational.com
LaBounty Manufacturing: www.stanleyworks.com
Landa Inc.: www.landa-inc.com
Lefort USA: www.lefort.com
Legend Valley Products: www.legendvalley.com
Lincoln Electric Co.: www.lincolnelectric.com
Linde Hydraulics Corp.: www.lindeamerica.com
Link-Belt Construction Equipment Co.: www.linkbelt.com
Link Environmental Equipment: www.linkeq.com
Lollini International SpA: www.lollini.com
Ludlum Measurements Inc.: www.ludlums.com
M.A. Industries Inc.: www.maind.com
MG Industries: www.mgindustries.com
MSS Inc.: www.magsep.com
Mac Corp.: www.mac-corp.com
Machines de Triages et de Broyages (MTB): www.mtb-recycling.com
Mack Manufacturing Co.: www.mackmfg.com
Magnatech Engineering Inc.: www.magnatech.org
Magnetic Separation Systems Inc.: www.magsep.com
Mainsaver: www.mainsaver.com
Marathon Equipment Co.: www.marathon-equipment.com
Martin Marietta Magnesia Specialties Inc.: www.martinmarietta.com
Maryland Netherlands Credit Insurance: www.mncic.com
MasterSource Online: www.mastersourceonline.com
Masune First Aid & Safety: www.masune.com
Material Handling Industry of America: www.mhi.org
Material Handling Supply Inc.: www.mhslift.com
Maxon Corp.: www.maxoncorp.com
Mayer Information Technology: www.mayer.co.uk
Mayfran International: www.mayfran.com
McDonald Services Inc.: www.msibalers.com
McIntyre Machinery America Ltd.: www.getinfo.net/mcimachine
Measurement Systems International: www.msiscales.com
Medico Industries: www.medico-ind.com
Melroe Co.: www.bobcat.com
Metorex Inc.: www.metorex.com
Michigan Cat: www.michigancat.com
Mid-States Parts/Mid-States Recycling Systems Inc.: www.cmcompanies.com
Midrex Direct Reduction Corp.: www.midrex.com 
Miller Electric Manufacturing Co.: www.millerwelds.com
Mitsubishi Forklift Trucks: www.mit-lift.com
Montgomery Watson: www.mw.com
Morbark: www.morbark.com
Moros/North America: www.moros.com
NSL Analytical Services Inc.: www.nslanalytical.com
National Association Supply Cooperative: www.bright.net/~nascoop
National Marine Consultants Inc.: www.natmar.com
National Nuclear Corp.: www.nnc-usa.com
New Holland Construction: www.newholland.com/construction
Newell Industries Inc.: www.newellindustries.com
Nissan Forklift Corp. North America: www.nissanforklift.com
Niton Corp.: www.niton.com
Nordic Lift Inc.: www.bive.se
North American Industries Inc.: www.naicranes.com
Northwestern Motor Co. Inc.: www.nmc-wollard.com
Ohio Industries Inc.: www.ohiocrane.com
Outokumpu Technology Inc./Carpco Division: www.carpco.com
Overbuilt Inc.: www.overbuilt.com
Oxo Welding Equipment Co.: www.oxoguns.com
PLI Inc.: www.lube.com
PP&L Inc.: www.ppl-inc.com
Pacific Shredder Technologies Inc.: www.idmllc.com
Page Transportation Inc.: www.pagetran.com
Peco Energy: www.peco-energy.com
Pedcon Inc.: www.pedcon.com
Pennsylvania Crusher Corp.: www.penncrusher.com
Peterson Pacific Corp.: www.petersonpacific.com
Philadelphia Tramrail Co.: www.philadelphiatramrail.com
Phytotech: www.phytotech.com
Pioneer Cover-All: www.pioneercoverall.com
Pioneer Machinery Inc.: www.pioneermachinery.com
Porta-King Building Systems: www.portaking.com
Powersource Transportation Inc.: www.powersourcetrans.com
Prab Conveyors: www.prab.com
Presona Inc.: www.presona.com
Pro-Line Buckets and Grapples: www.pro-line.com
Prodeva Inc.: www.prodeva.com
QCI International: www.qci-intl.com
Quantrad Sensor Inc.: www.quantrad.com
R&R Trucking Inc.: www.rrtruck.com
RMI Inspectorate L.L.C.: www.rmgcal.com
RMT Inc.: www.rmtinc.com
RT Environmental Services Inc.: www.rtenv.com
Rad/Comm Systems Corp.: www.radcommsystems.com
Rammer: www.rammer.com
Recycling Equipment Manufacturing Inc.: www.remfg.com
Recycling Products Inc.: www.recyclingproducts.com
Rigby Machinery Inc.: www.industrialcapital.com
Riverside Products: www.riversideproducts.com
Rockwell Automation-Dodge/Reliance: www.dodge-pt.com
Alan Ross Machinery Corp.: www.rossmach.com
Ruan Transportation Management Systems: www.ruan.com
SE International Inc.: www.seintl.com
SMA Equipment Co. Inc.: www.smaequipment.com
SRI Quality System Registrar Inc.: www.sriregistrar.com
SSI Shredding Systems Inc.: www.ssiworld.com
SWB Stahlformgussgesellschaft mbH: www.thyssen.com/swb-sfg
Saturn Shredders: www.saturn-shredders.com
Scandinavian Recycling Inc.: www.scandrecycling.se
Scanrec Inc.: www.scanrec.com
Karl W. Schmidt & Assocs. Inc.: www.karlschmidt.com
Scrap Advantage L.L.C.: www.scrapadvantage.com
Sellick Equipment Ltd.: www.mnsi.net/~sellick/tmf/tmf.htm
Setco Solid Tire & Rim Assembly: www.setcojyd.com
Shared Logic Group Inc.: www.sharedlogic.com
Shenandoah Manufacturing Co. Inc.: www.shenmfg.com
Shimadzu Scientific Instruments Inc.: www.shimadzu.com
Shred-Tech: www.shred-tech.com
Sierra International Machinery Inc.: www.sierraintl.com
Solutions Software Corp.: www.env-sol.com
Sorbent Products Co. Inc.: www.sorbentproducts.com
Southern Electric Motor Co. Inc.: www.mega-mag.com
Specialty Transportation Services Inc.: www.stsus.com
Spectro Analytical Instruments: www.spectro-ai.com
Steel Related Industries Quality System Registrar Inc.: www.sriregistrar.com
Stellar Industries Inc.: www.stellar-industries.com
Sterling Truck Corp.: www.sterlingtrucks.com
Svedala Industri AB: www.svedala.com
SwapLoader U.S.A. Ltd.: www.swaploader.com
Sweed Machinery Inc.: www.sweed.com
Swift Filters Inc.: www.swiftfilters.com
Systems Alternatives International L.L.C.: www.sysalt.com
TN Technologies: www.tn-technologies.com
T.Y. Cushion Tire Inc.: www.tycushiontire.com
3M Personal Safety Products: www.3M.com/scotchlite
Texas Shredder Inc.: www.texasshredder.com
Tire Resource Systems Inc.: www.vitalsite.com/recycle/tires
Toyota Industrial Equipment: www.toyotaforklift.com
Trackmobile Inc.: www.trackmobile.com
Traffic Technology Inc.: www.unilights.com
Tramac Corp.: www.tramac.com
Transact Payment Systems Inc.: tranact.com
Trico Mfg. Corp.: www.tricomfg.com
Triple/S Dynamics Inc.: www.sssdynamics.com
Tri-R Systems Corp.: www.trir.com
Trucks & Parts: www.trucks.com
U.S. Baird Corp.: www.usbaird.com
U.S. Wire-Tie Systems: www.uswiretie.com
G.W. Van Keppel Co.: www.vankeppel.com
Ventilatorenfabrik Oelde GmbH: www.venti-oelde.de
Veratech Attachments: www.veratech.com
Versar Inc.: www.versar.com
Verstegen Grabs: www.verstegen.net
Vortechnics Inc.: www.vortechnics.com
WEG Electric Motors Corp.: www.wegelectric.com
Walker Magnetics: www.walkermagnet.com
Wastech Equipment: www.wastechequip.com
Wastequip Accurate: www.wastequip.com
Water Weights Inc.: www.waterweights.com
Wausau Insurance Co.: www.wausau.com
Michael G. Weiss: www.michaelgweiss.com
Wendt Corp.: www.wendtcorp.com
Roy F. Weston Inc.: www.rfweston.com 
Weigh-Tronix Inc.: www.weigh-tronix.com
Wenck Associates Inc.: www.wenck.com
Willamette Financial Services: www.leasewfs.com
Willis Corroon Recyclers Insurance Program: www.williscorroon.com
Worldwide Analytical Systems GmbH: www.worldwide-analytical.com
Xetex: www.nnc-usa.com 

Trade Associations/Technical Societies
ASM International: www.asm-intl.org
Alliance for the Polyurethanes Industry: www.polyurethane.org
Aluminum Association: www.aluminum.org
Aluminum Association/Automotive and Light Truck Group: www.autoaluminum.org
American Arbitration Association: www.adr.org
American Forest & Paper Association: www.afandpa.org
American Foundrymen’s Society: www.afsinc.org
American Industrial Hygiene Association: www.aiha.org
American Iron and Steel Institute: www.steel.org
American Petroleum Institute (used oil recycling Web site): www.recycleoil.org
American Plastics Council: www.ameriplas.org and www.plasticsresource.com
American Plastics Council (automotive site): www.plastics-car.com
American Productivity & Quality Center: www.apqc.org
American Society for Testing and Materials: www.astm.org
American Society for Quality: www.asq.org
American Zinc Association: www.zinc.org
Aseptic Packaging Council: www.aseptic.org
Association of Certified Fraud Examiners: www.cfenet.com
Association of Container Reconditioners: www.reconditioners.com
Association of Iron and Steel Engineers: www.aise.org
Association of Postconsumer Plastic Recyclers: www.plasticsrecycling.org
Association of Radioactive Metal Recyclers: web.utk.edu/~armr
Association of Women in the Metal Industries: www.awmi.com
Australian Stainless Steel Development Association: www.assda.asn.au
Automotive Recyclers Association: www.autorecyc.org
Battery Council International: www.batterycouncil.org
Bureau of International Recycling: www.bir.org
California Resource Recovery Association: www.crra.com
Can Manufacturers Institute: www.cancentral.com
Canadian Association of Recycling Industries: www.cari-acir.org
Canadian Environment Industry Association: www.ceia-acie.ca
Canadian Polystyrene Recycling Association: www.cpra-canada.com
Canadian Pulp and Paper Association: www.cppa.org
Cast Metals Institute: www.castmetals.com
Confederation of European Paper Industries: www.cepi.org
Copper Development Association/International Copper Association: www.copper.org
Electric Power Research Institute: www.epri.com
European Powder Metallurgy Association: www.epma.com
Glass Packaging Institute: www.gpi.org
GrassRoots Recycling Network: www.grrn.org
Indiana Recycling Coalition: www.indianarecycling.org
Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries: www.isri.org
International Association of Electronics Recyclers: www.iaer.org
International Copper Study Group: www.icsg.org
International Council on Metals and the Environment: www.icme.com
International Iron and Steel Institute: www.worldsteel.org
International Lead and Zinc Study Group: www.ilzsg.org
International Lead Zinc Research Organization Inc.: www.ilzro.org
International Molybdenum Association: www.imoa.org.uk
International Precious Metals Institute: www.ipmi.org
International Tin Research Institute: www.itri.co.uk/index.htm
International Tire and Rubber Association: www.itra.com
International Titanium Association: www.titanium.org
International Zinc Association: www.iza.com
Iron & Steel Society: www.issource.org
Istituto Italiano del Rame: www.iir.it
Korea International Trade Association: www.kita.org
Latin American Steel Institute: www.ilafa.org
Lead Industries Association: www.leadinfo.com
National Association of Demolition Contractors: www.demolitionassn.com
National Association for PET Container Resources: www.napcor.com
National Association of State Purchasing Officials: www.naspo.org
National Federation of Independent Business: www.nfibonline.com
National Oil Recyclers Association: www.noraoil.com
National Wooden Pallet and Container Association: www.nwpca.com
Nickel Development Institute: www.nidi.org
Non-ferrous Founders’ Society: www.nffs.org
North American Die Casting Association: www.diecasting.org
Northeast Recycling Council: www.nerc.org
100% Recycled Paperboard Alliance: www.rpa100.com
Outsourcing Institute: www.outsourcing.com
Plastics Institute of America Inc.: www.eng.uml.edu/dept/pia
Platinum Guild International: www.platinumguild.org
Polystyrene Packaging Council: www.polystyrene.org
Recycling Coalition of Texas: www.recycletx.org
Rubber Manufacturers Association: www.rma.org
Rubber Recycling Topical Group: www.rubber.org/rrtg
Scrap Tire Management Council: www.rma.org/tiresn.html
Secondary Materials and Recycled Textiles Association: www.smartasn.org
Silver Institute: www.silverinstitute.org
Society of Automotive Engineers Inc.: www.sae.org/apn
Society of Human Resource Management: www.shrm.org
Society of the Plastics Industry Inc.: www.plasticsindustry.org
Specialty Steel Industry of North America: www.ssina.com
Steel Manufacturers Association: www.steelnet.org
Steel Recycling Institute: www.recycle-steel.org
Steel Shipping Container Institute: www.steelcontainers.com
TAPPI: www.tappi.org
U.S. Composting Council: www.compostingcouncil.org
Ultra Light Steel Auto Body: www.ulsab.org
Used Oil Management Association: www.uoma.com
Yellow Pages Publishers Association: www.yppa.org 

American Metal Market: www.amm.com
American Recycling Market: www.recyclingdata.com
Canadian Minerals Yearbook: www.nrcan.gc.ca/mms/cmy/index_e.html
Crane Directory: www.cranedirectory.org
European Rubber Journal: www.crain.co.uk
Fibre Market News: www.fibremarketnews.com
Goldsheet Mining Directory: goldsheet.simplenet.com
Government Institutes: www.govinst.com
The Hauler: www.thehauler.com
Metal Bulletin: www.metalbulletin.com
Modern Casting: www.moderncasting.com
Modern Plastics: www.modplas.com
New Steel: www.newsteel.com
Paper Age: www.paperage.com
Paper Stock Report: www.recycle.cc
Plastics News: www.plasticsnews.com
Quality Digest: www.qualitydigest.com
Recovered Materials Monitor: www.resourceinfo.com
Recycling International: www.recyclinginternational.com
Recycling Laws International: www.raymond.com
Recycling Product News: www.baumpub.com
Recycling Today: www.recyclingtoday.com
Resource Recycling: www.resource-recycling.com
Rubber & Plastics News: www.rubbernews.com
Rubber World: www.rubberworld.com
Scrap: www.scrap.org
Scrap Tire News: www.scraptirenews.com
Small Business Journal: www.tsbj.com 
Standardization News: www.astm.org
U.S. Glass: www.usglassmag.com
Waste News: www.wastenews.com
Waste Age: www.wasteage.com 

Government Organizations
California Integrated Waste Management Board: www.ciwmb.ca.gov
Defense Reutilization and Marketing Service: www.drms.com 
Environmental Protection Agency: www.epa.gov
European Environment Agency: www.eea.eu.int
Fed Stats/Federal Interagency Council on Statistical Policy: www.fedstats.gov
Federal Emergency Management Agency: www.fema.gov
Library of Congress: www.loc.gov
National Research Council Canada: www.nrc.ca/cisti
National Safety Council: www.nsc.org
Office of the Federal Environmental Executive: www.ofee.gov
Recycling Business Assistance Center: www.p2pays.org/rbac/index.htm
Recycling Council of Ontario: www.rco.on.ca
Small Business Administration: www.sbaonline.sba.gov
U.S. Chamber of Commerce: www.uschamber.com
U.S. Council for Automotive Research: www.uscar.org
U.S. Defense Logistics Agency: www.supply.dla.mil
U.S. Department of Commerce/International Trade Administration: www.ita.d

It’s an e-world out there. The e- prefix is fast-displacing the Mc of McDonald’s fame as the most-used buzz term, preceding everything with anything to do with the World Wide Web.
  • 2000
  • Mar_Apr
  • Scrap Magazine

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